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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Unbelief Hinders Your Healing Connection to God

Unbelief Hinders Your Healing Connection to God
by Bishop Keith A. Butler

Mark 6:5 - And he could there do no mighty work, save that he laid his
hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them. (KJV)

When Jesus preached in His hometown, the people there did not believe
His words. As a result, most of them remained sick.

This is how they responded to Jesus. Where did you get this wisdom? ,
they asked. And where did these mighty works come from?

They said,
Aren't you a carpenter? Don't we know your mama and daddy? Don't we
know your sisters and brothers?
And they got upset with Jesus.

And Jesus said,

A prophet is not without honor but in his own country and among
his own kinfolk. And in his own house, and he could there do no mighty

It didn't say that he didn't want to. It didn't say that He wouldn't. It
said He couldn't.

Their unbelief caused them not to benefit from the power of God that was
present. The power of God for healing was available, and only a few
people tapped into it, although Jesus was there for the whole town.

And the few people who did receive it believed it only for minor illnesses,
such as headaches. Although there was cancer healing power available,
and tumor healing power available, and for every kind of sickness and
disease power was available, they didn't get it because their unbelief
stopped them.

Your unbelief will stop the power of God. Even though the power of God
is all around you, your unbelief will stop the healing power of God. I'm
telling you, this world is permeated with God's healing power. When you
breathe the air, there's healing power in it. All around you from the
head to the toe, you can't turn around and not run into available
healing power. If you believe it, you can receive it.

Healing power doesn't manifest because there's a need for healing,
because God's power to heal is always present. Your healing manifests
when you apply your faith. Jesus said,
If you can believe, all things
are possible to him that believeth

It is God's will for you to be healed. Believe it.

And receive your healing right where you are.

Scripture References: Mark 6:1-5; 9:23