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Friday, October 01, 2010

Let's Live According To His Purpose

Let's Live According To His Purpose

I think we would agree that there's no place for extra anxiety among Christ's people. We are to labor, watch, and pray. Stay on the narrow way! When we came through the strait gate, there was only one road on which to walk, the narrow road. The strait gate puts us right on the narrow road.
Let's stay on the narrow road; fight the good fight of faith!
Let's count it all joy when we suffer diverse temptations. Why? There's no other way to have our faith tempered, but to go through the trial, be tested and proven. It will bring us the experience where we can pray for our enemies, bless them that persecute us, and return good for evil, knowing that the judgement of evildoers is out ahead.
Why do we want to bless them that persecute us? When people persecute us and misuse us, and we know that they're guilty, let's stop a little bit and consider the awful judgment that they're going to face. It will put us on our knees, praying for them. We must go about our business, realizing that all power is Christ's and that He is committed to our eternal
We can live every day (if we want) according to Romans 8:28. We can know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are called according to His purpose. This is what held the morning church.
The purpose of God was being carried out. When we live according to His purpose, no matter what befalls us,
we can be blessed with the thought that it's working for
our spiritual good.
No matter how much we rise up or rebel against God, the day will come when God will laugh at us. What a terrible thing to think upon, that God would laugh at us. Why's He going to laugh at us? Because, we laughed at Him, at His Word, and His ordained plan.
Let's remember, there's a law of sowing and reaping.
We're in a battle. The powers of evil are raging, and they might even be raging worse. It may come right down to every one of us. It will be a proven fact, whether we have the goods or not, because it's going to take the goods to stand. In the past, we may have been able to follow the crowd, but the devil can get stirred to the degree that he makes us individually run up our flag or take it down.
Our choices: either to commit ourselves to God, get a fresh infusion of His Spirit in our lives, where we can speak with boldness, or to keep still and suffer great loss!