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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Delight In God's Word


"But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate
day and night."
Psalms 1:2

Discover what delights a man, and you begin to know much about the man.

What delights you? Are you that blessed man who delights in the law of the

We will spend much time with the object of our love. A young man in love
will spend long hours with his beloved. A loving mother will give herself
day and night to her children. A boy who loves fishing will dash off to the
pond the moment he finishes his chores.

If you delight in God's Word, you will meditate on it day and night.

South African evangelist Keith Daniel tells of when he first became a
Christian. A minister told him to first read the Gospel of John and then
read the rest of the New Testament. Keith went home that night and began to

And read.

And read.

As the first rays of the morning sun trickled through his window, he
stopped reading because he needed to leave for work. He brought his Bible
to work and read in the New Testament during every break.

Have you had times when you couldn't get enough of God's Word? You hungered
and thirsted and longed for it.

Christian, delight in God's Word as you would in something you love dearly!
You will "be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth
forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and
whatsoever he doeth shall prosper."

God's Word will bring forth lovely and pleasant fruit in your life. His
Word will strengthen you and build you. When days are dark and you feel
withered and weakened, you can run to the Word and receive encouragement
for your soul. You will prosper, because God's Word is watering your soul.

Can you say with David, "I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies, as
much as in all riches"?