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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Delight In God's Word


"But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate
day and night."
Psalms 1:2

Discover what delights a man, and you begin to know much about the man.

What delights you? Are you that blessed man who delights in the law of the

We will spend much time with the object of our love. A young man in love
will spend long hours with his beloved. A loving mother will give herself
day and night to her children. A boy who loves fishing will dash off to the
pond the moment he finishes his chores.

If you delight in God's Word, you will meditate on it day and night.

South African evangelist Keith Daniel tells of when he first became a
Christian. A minister told him to first read the Gospel of John and then
read the rest of the New Testament. Keith went home that night and began to

And read.

And read.

As the first rays of the morning sun trickled through his window, he
stopped reading because he needed to leave for work. He brought his Bible
to work and read in the New Testament during every break.

Have you had times when you couldn't get enough of God's Word? You hungered
and thirsted and longed for it.

Christian, delight in God's Word as you would in something you love dearly!
You will "be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth
forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and
whatsoever he doeth shall prosper."

God's Word will bring forth lovely and pleasant fruit in your life. His
Word will strengthen you and build you. When days are dark and you feel
withered and weakened, you can run to the Word and receive encouragement
for your soul. You will prosper, because God's Word is watering your soul.

Can you say with David, "I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies, as
much as in all riches"?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mindful Praise

Mindful Praise
by Bishop Keith A. Butler

By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.

Hebrews 13:15

The key word here is sacrifice. Praise is a sacrifice when you say, "I don't feel like it and the situation sure doesn't seem to dictate it, but I choose to praise God anyway! I choose to identify my blessings!"

You may say, "Yes, but you don't know what I'm going through!" There are still things for which you can be grateful. If you started listing things that are a blessing in your life, you could come up with quite a few blessings right now despite the hell you may be living in.

I love to hear people say, "Today was a beautiful day! I was able to smell God's air and feel some of His rain fall on my head! I ate today! Praise God!"

You need to unwind yourself through praise, because stress affects every area of your life-your work, your relationships, your job-everything! When you are stressed, you can say all the confessions you want, but nothing's going to work until you get unwound. Then your faith can work. As you practice the sacrifice of praise, your muscles will relax and your stress will be released so that you have complete mental and physical health. Practicing praise must become a way of life, a continual pattern throughout the day.

You need to identify a time and a place where you can take some mindfulness praise moments in the middle of your day. Write this down on your "To Do List." Put a reminder on your computer or cell phone. Meditate on the Word. Offer Him a sacrifice of praise. Give Him thanks for all His works in your life. Glorify Him for loving you. In short time, you will be reaping the benefits of focusing your mind and heart on Him.

Prayer for Today

I offer you a sacrifice of praise. I thank you for life. I magnify your name for the gift of revelation of who you are and how you have blessed me. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Selah: Think on These Things

  • Ezra 3:11
  • Psalm 69:30

Monday, October 25, 2010

Don't Look Back


"Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do,
forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those
things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of

God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13-14

If any of you have competed in running events before, you know that there
is more than just being able to run fast that enables you to win the race.
One very important thing is that a runner must keep his eye on the finish
line. Looking behind him will slow him down.

So it is also with the Christian life. We need to keep our eyes on the
finish line. If we look behind us, we will get slowed down. Looking back is
incredibly dangerous. Jesus even pointed this out when He said, "Remember
Lot's wife?" Lot's wife, despite warnings, had looked back on Sodom and was
turned into a pillar of salt.

One of the ways Christians look back is by looking back at their sinful
lives before they were Christians. Satan tries to trip us up with our
sinful past. Satan tried to convince me once that with all my sins in the
past that I was not worthy enough to go to heaven. But you see, the devil
likes to mix a little truth with his lies. None of us are worthy to enter
heaven. It's Christ's worthiness that matters.

Second Corinthians 5:17 says,
"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a
new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become
Our sinful past is gone. We are new creatures. When we repented and
believed the gospel, God totally wiped out our past sins. He remembers them
no more. If God doesn't remember our past sins, why do we look back on them?

Another way Christians look back is by looking back at our so-called
accomplishments before we got saved. A few years ago I was flipping through
my senior yearbook. During my senior year in high school, I had excelled in
various areas. This yearbook chronicled all those accomplishments. At the
back of the yearbook, several of my friends had written various notes. One
of these notes caught my eye. A young woman had ended her note with the
Bible reference, "Philippians 3:8-9."

At the beginning of Philippians 3, Paul chronicles several of his
accomplishments, but when he gets to verse 8 he says,
"...and I count all
things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my
" In fact, Paul goes on to say that he counted those accomplishments
but dung that he may win Christ.

All the things that I accomplished in high school get me nowhere in my walk
with Christ. I count them but dung so that I might win Christ. If our past
accomplishments have nothing to do with our current walk with Christ, why
do we look back on them?

Christians, forget what lies behind you. The finish line is in front of
you. The prize is waiting. Don't look back.

"The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The History of "Halloween".

The History of "Halloween".

Dear Aalie,
As our children get ready to go "Trick-or-Treating" let us
learn a little about the day "Halloween." Therefore Test China,
we will depart from our usual message to take a look at a
pagan holiday, that changed because of Christianity, and
thus became a Holy Day that is still observed in some
Denominations still today!

Therefore we will look at a ancient pagan ritual, that is still
practiced today. It's original name was "Samhain," however
we know it as "Halloween."

"Samhain" began at sundown on October 31st and extended
into the following day. According to the Celtic pagan religion,
known as Druidism, the spirits of those who had died roamed
the earth on "Samhain" evening. This night was much feared by
the Celtic people, and they sought to ward off the spirits with
offerings of food and drink.

The dark side of this event was the fact that the Celts built
bonfires, at so called sacred sights, and sometimes preformed
rituals involving HUMAN and/or Animal Sacrifices, to honor Druid
gods. Samhain was abandoned only when the people converted
to Christianity during the very early middle ages.

Now during that period of time the Church often incorporated
modified versions of ancient pagan rituals in order to win
converts. For example, Pope Gregory IV successfully replaced
"Samhain" with All Saints Day, which fell on November 1, thus
the evening of October 31 became known as All Hallows' Even,
which was later shortened to Halloween. All Souls Day, as it is
known as today, is a Holy Day in the Roman Catholic, and
Anglican Churches, honoring those who have passed away.

Some aspects of this ancient pagan tradition thought to be
incompatible with Christianity, were linked with folk beliefs
about evil spirits. In British folklore, small magical fairies
became associated with Halloween mischief. The jack-o-lantern,
originally carved from a turnip, originated in medieval Scotland.
A small candle would be put into the turnip, that had a scary face
carved on it. This was to be lit at night and displayed to scare off
evil spirits which they feared roamed about that night.

Between the 15th & 17th Centuries, Europe was seized by a
hysterical fear of witches, who were thought to ride flying brooms
and to assume the form of black cats. Thus the images of witches
and black cats soon joined other European superstitions as
symbols of Halloween.

In the 19th & early 20th Centuries, young people often
observed Halloween by perpetrating minor acts of vandalism,
such as overturning sheds or breaking windows. Beginning in
the 1930's, Halloween mischief gradually transformed into the
modern ritual of trick-or-treating, though some still choose to
perform acts of vandalism on Halloween still today.

A final note, Aalie, is the fact that Halloween is the high
holy day of the satanic church. So it still bears a very dark
side indeed, even today!

References: ( Encarta Reference Library 2008, and the
Encyclopedia Britannica 2006. )

All My Love & Prayers,
Pastor Allen

Apostle Paul Ministries, P O Box 55996, Hayward, CA 94545

Nine Steps Toward Stress Removal

Nine Steps Toward Stress Removal
by Bishop Keith A. Butler

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Thessalonians 5:23

Look at what God will do for you-you will live a long, healthy life-if you take the following steps to remove stress found in First Thessalonians 5:15-22:

"See that none render evil for evil unto any man." Forget about getting even. "Follow that which is good, both among yourselves and to all men." Do the right thing if everybody else does the wrong thing. "Rejoice evermore." Do what you have to do in order to throw that stress off you. Boast and rejoice. "Pray without ceasing." Don't give up in prayer. "In everything give thanks." You don't have to give thanks because the bill collector is chasing you, but you can give thanks while he's chasing you. Giving thanks in everything is God's will for you, and if you're in the middle of God's will, then you have God's power working for you. "Quench not the spirit." In other words, don't stifle what you know you should be doing because of the things that are happening that you may not understand. "Despise not prophesying [preaching]." Don't get mad at the preacher because he preached something that you didn't like. The preacher's job is to hear from God and to preach what God said you need. "Prove all things and hold fast to that which is good." Everything that looks good and sounds plausible right now may not be good in the end. Test it, try it, and weigh it to see if it's good. "Abstain from all appearance of evil." Stay away from everything that looks as if it can get you in trouble.

Prayer for Today

You are so faithful to give me direction. Thank you for giving me everything I need to live a holy, blessed, stress-free life. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Selah: Think on These Things

  • Romans 15:13
  • Philippians 4:9
�For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged
sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it
judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is
hidden from God�s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the
eyes of him to whom we must give account� (Hebrews 4:12,13).

Monday, October 18, 2010

Making Big Requests

October 18, 2010
Making Big Requests
JOHN 14:12-15
Jesus Christ issued a bold statement when He said, "If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it" (John 14:14). Since it is against the nature of our Triune God to break a promise (Titus 1:2), we know that the Lord will fulfill that pledge.
So when we make a big request and nothing happens, the problem isn't with God. Believers are called to live a righteous life. The Lord won't overlook spiritual laziness to give us what we want. He has two requirements for answering petitions:
  • Approach God in complete dependence on Christ's merits. The Savior's blood paid for our right to enter the Father's holy presence. His sacrifice at Calvary took away our sins and clothed us in righteousness, which allows us to stand unashamed before the throne. We don't earn favor through works or get prayers answered because we are super-spiritual. God responds because His Son sits at His right hand, interceding for us.
  • Approach God in holiness--that is, separated from all known sin. God said that He would not hear those who "regard wickedness" in their hearts (Ps. 66:18). If He were to answer prayer when we are willfully living in sin, then He would be sanctioning our transgression. Therefore, believers must turn away from their wrongdoing before making big requests.
God is always faithful. He is willing to give you what you need and to bless you richly besides. But this is no something-for-nothing offer. The Lord demands righteous living from His followers. Those who live according to God's will can trust Him for anything they ask in His Son's name.
Insights on Romans

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Unbelief Hinders Your Healing Connection to God

Unbelief Hinders Your Healing Connection to God
by Bishop Keith A. Butler

Mark 6:5 - And he could there do no mighty work, save that he laid his
hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them. (KJV)

When Jesus preached in His hometown, the people there did not believe
His words. As a result, most of them remained sick.

This is how they responded to Jesus. Where did you get this wisdom? ,
they asked. And where did these mighty works come from?

They said,
Aren't you a carpenter? Don't we know your mama and daddy? Don't we
know your sisters and brothers?
And they got upset with Jesus.

And Jesus said,

A prophet is not without honor but in his own country and among
his own kinfolk. And in his own house, and he could there do no mighty

It didn't say that he didn't want to. It didn't say that He wouldn't. It
said He couldn't.

Their unbelief caused them not to benefit from the power of God that was
present. The power of God for healing was available, and only a few
people tapped into it, although Jesus was there for the whole town.

And the few people who did receive it believed it only for minor illnesses,
such as headaches. Although there was cancer healing power available,
and tumor healing power available, and for every kind of sickness and
disease power was available, they didn't get it because their unbelief
stopped them.

Your unbelief will stop the power of God. Even though the power of God
is all around you, your unbelief will stop the healing power of God. I'm
telling you, this world is permeated with God's healing power. When you
breathe the air, there's healing power in it. All around you from the
head to the toe, you can't turn around and not run into available
healing power. If you believe it, you can receive it.

Healing power doesn't manifest because there's a need for healing,
because God's power to heal is always present. Your healing manifests
when you apply your faith. Jesus said,
If you can believe, all things
are possible to him that believeth

It is God's will for you to be healed. Believe it.

And receive your healing right where you are.

Scripture References: Mark 6:1-5; 9:23

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Looking for Fruit

October 8
Looking for Fruit
Galatians 5:16-26
As believers, we all want the fruit of the Spirit, but how can we know if we truly have it? Even unbelievers can display these qualities when conditions are positive. This nine-fold fruit of the Spirit is not what we do, but who we are, and it is primarily on display in Christians when circumstances are unfavorable. Two characteristics help us recognize these traits in our lives.
Fruitful believers are not controlled by their environment. Everyone experiences trials and pain, but those who are filled with the Spirit do not lose His fruit because of their situations. They keep their joy even when difficulties overwhelm. If someone speaks harshly, they respond with kindness. Because the Holy Spirit is in control, He is free to produce His fruit no matter what the circumstances are. Even though such believers may feel pain, anger, or a desire for revenge, they choose to trust the Lord to protect them and direct the outcome.
Fruitful Christians recover quickly after a fall. These believers are not perfect, but they are sensitive to the Spirit's conviction and are quick to return to the Lord in repentance. In fact, they are actually grateful for the correction and praise God, not only for revealing their weakness but also for drawing them back to obedience.
No one produces these amazing qualities in himself. Trying harder to be godly will never work. Character transformation occurs when we submit to God, giving Him complete control of our lives. Only then will the Spirit be free to produce fruit that remains even in the deepest, darkest storms.
For more biblical teaching and resources from Dr. Charles Stanley, please visit www.intouch.org.
Watch Online Videos of Dr. Charles Stanley and In Touch Ministries at LightSource.com
Listen to Dr. Charles Stanley Online Broadcasts at OnePlace.com.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Oct.8,2010 ~ Thought of the Day

Friday, Oct. 8, 2010
Thought of the Day
(Courtesy of Our Daily Bread) <---Click for devotional

Jesus is preparing a
place for us and preparing
us for that place.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Oct. 7, 2010 ~ Thought of the Day

Oct. 7, 2010
Thought of the Day

(Courtesy of Our Daily Bread) <---Click for devotional

Fears flee in the light
of God's presence.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Wed. Oct. 6, 2010 Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

(Courtesy of Our Daily Bread) <----Click link

God broke into human history to
offers us the gift of eternal life.

Monday, October 04, 2010

What I Can Be

What I Can Be

As I gazed up at the mountains, I was awed by their majesty; I bowed my head and asked myself,
"Why should He care for me?
I am not great like the mountains that tower so high above, What is there about me that God can find to love?"

"Father, I am not strong like the wind that makes your tall trees sway, I cannot sing sweetly like your birds; will you love me anyway?
But most of all, I am simply me, and often have cause to fear, In spite of all my weaknesses, do you promise to be near?"

With eyes closed tight against my tears, I wished He could hear me pray. Then I felt His Spirit tell me, "Child, look up, I have something to say.
"You are simply you, the spirit I love, a part of my great plan. I put you here to learn of life and to return to me again."

"You are more beautiful to me than the loveliest mountain I made, And your strength exceeds that of the wind's, so do not be afraid.
I love you not for what you are, but for what I know you will be. I am always beside you watching you grow, you are very special to me."

A smile touched my lips - I knew it was true, my Father had always been there Giving me comfort and blessings and love and my own special talents to share.

So I do my best to make Him proud. I am not afraid, for you see, He loves me not for what I am, but for what He knows
I will be.

Author Unknown

Saturday, October 02, 2010



This is pretty neat.
It takes less than a minute .
Work this out as you read .
Be sure you don't read the bottom until you've worked it out!
This is not one of those waste of time things, it's fun.

1. First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would like to have
chocolate (more than once but less than 10)

2. Multiply this number by 2 (just to be bold)

3. Add 5

4. Multiply it by 50 -- I'll wait while you get the calculator

5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1760 ..
If you haven't, add 1759..

6... Now subtract the four digit year that you were born.

You should have a three digit number

The first digit of this was your original number
(i.e., how many times you want to have chocolate each week).

The next two numbers are

YOUR AGE! (Oh YES, it is!!!!!)

Friday, October 01, 2010

Let's Live According To His Purpose

Let's Live According To His Purpose

I think we would agree that there's no place for extra anxiety among Christ's people. We are to labor, watch, and pray. Stay on the narrow way! When we came through the strait gate, there was only one road on which to walk, the narrow road. The strait gate puts us right on the narrow road.
Let's stay on the narrow road; fight the good fight of faith!
Let's count it all joy when we suffer diverse temptations. Why? There's no other way to have our faith tempered, but to go through the trial, be tested and proven. It will bring us the experience where we can pray for our enemies, bless them that persecute us, and return good for evil, knowing that the judgement of evildoers is out ahead.
Why do we want to bless them that persecute us? When people persecute us and misuse us, and we know that they're guilty, let's stop a little bit and consider the awful judgment that they're going to face. It will put us on our knees, praying for them. We must go about our business, realizing that all power is Christ's and that He is committed to our eternal
We can live every day (if we want) according to Romans 8:28. We can know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are called according to His purpose. This is what held the morning church.
The purpose of God was being carried out. When we live according to His purpose, no matter what befalls us,
we can be blessed with the thought that it's working for
our spiritual good.
No matter how much we rise up or rebel against God, the day will come when God will laugh at us. What a terrible thing to think upon, that God would laugh at us. Why's He going to laugh at us? Because, we laughed at Him, at His Word, and His ordained plan.
Let's remember, there's a law of sowing and reaping.
We're in a battle. The powers of evil are raging, and they might even be raging worse. It may come right down to every one of us. It will be a proven fact, whether we have the goods or not, because it's going to take the goods to stand. In the past, we may have been able to follow the crowd, but the devil can get stirred to the degree that he makes us individually run up our flag or take it down.
Our choices: either to commit ourselves to God, get a fresh infusion of His Spirit in our lives, where we can speak with boldness, or to keep still and suffer great loss!