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Friday, September 18, 2009

What Do I Need To Do?

What Do I Need To Do?

937what-do-i-need-to-do.png picture in Christian Backgrounds

by Pastor Timothy Satryan

Why is it that so many Christians seemingly struggle through their life, not seeing breakthrough, working so hard, and ending up further back than they were when they started? For some, they appear to live out the old saying, "two steps forward, three steps back." I have heard many people angrily ask, "What do I need to do?!"

Quite often, the answer can be summed up in just one word - surrender. Although they are believers in Jesus Christ, they have yet to discover and walk in a life that is fully surrendered to the Lord they profess as their savior.

The dictionary tells us that "surrender" means to yield something to the possession or power of another; to give oneself up; to give up, abandon, or relinquish; or to yield or resign in favor of another. As a believer in Christ, we are called to be a people of total surrender - to God. By surrendering to God, we admit that He is ultimately in control of everything, including our present circumstances. Surrendering to God helps us to let go of whatever has been holding us back from God's best for our lives. By surrendering to God, we let go of whatever has kept us from wanting God's ways first.

What do you need to do? Every one of us needs to make purposeful choices to surrender to God in every area of our life. This often goes against what seems logical to us. I'm sure it seemed completely illogical to Abraham, when God asked him to sacrifice his son, Isaac. But, Abraham's decision to completely surrender to God was absolutely necessary.

How do we surrender everything to God? This Sunday we will look at five key areas in our life that we must surrender, in our message "Ingredients of a Surrendered Life." You won't want to miss this life-changing message!

You can hear this message by Pastor Timothy Satryan by clicking the following link here:

Ingredients of a Surrendered Life <---Click