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Thursday, September 10, 2009

From Recession to Possession

From Recession to Possession

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By Pastor Timothy Satryan

Bailouts. Foreclosures. Cutting back. Downsizing. The news is all around us here in America, and actually around the world. The economy is said to be in the worst condition in many years. The government attempts to stimulate the economy as businesses across the nation struggle to hold on in these difficult times. Families are stressed as they face real concern of how they will be able to make ends meet. Bills go unpaid, creditors make unexpected and unwanted calls, and homeowners face losing their homes. Where will it all end?

The Bible tells us of a family in a situation just like that. They didn't know how they could go on. They had come to the end of their resources, and only had just a day's worth of food left. In their mind - like I'm sure in many people's minds today - they had given up on everything - including life itself.

But, God had different plans for this family. And, He has different plans for you, too! Instead of running out of their food and supply, God intended their supply to be unending!

I want to share with you how you can have great possessions - even through a time of great recession! Be sure to join us this Sunday here at WFA as we look at 1 Kings 17:8-16 in our message "From Recession To Possession!" Don't miss this message - it will change your life!

Here is your copy of firstIMPRESSIONS, Volume 9.36. Live for God, on purpose, never losing heart, never giving up!

You can hear the message Pastor Timothy Satryan preached by clicking the following link: http://www.wfa.org/sermons/index.html