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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Aalie's Life Stories ~ 5

This is Oosterstraat..or East Street in Witmarsum. I have a lot of wonderful memories of playing with my friends here on this street.. the front part if this street is where I played soccer (voetbal) with my brother Gerrit and his friends. I was the only girl that was asked to play with them..and I loved playing this game..I have played about every position..but loved kicking the ball and and swerving it around so no one could get a hold of it..then kick to make a goal..and of course because our hands could not touch the ball sometimes I would even use my head to make to ball go to one of my team mates.

When I was back in 2000 for the Friesland province reunion I met up with one of my brother's best friends..his name was Tetero..and even though 50 years had passed he still remembered me playing soccer with them. Tetero had a slight disability..one leg was shorter then the other when he was younger..but still enjoyed all the sports that young boys did..and nothing stopped him..he was determined not to let his disability stop him from participating..and he seemed to work harder at them then the other boys.

The Following is a picture of Tetero when he was still working

I happened to find this picture at a Friesland website. It had been placed in a newspaper that talked about his life's work...I just cannot remember exactly what that was..except that as I can see he worked hard..and did a service to a lot of people. We did take some pictures of him and his brother while we were there..but I have not scanned them to by computer..so I could not place them here.

I also played Keatsen (Fries) or Kaatsen (Dutch)..it is a game that Friesland is noted for..in fact it was born in Friesland. Mostly the young men and boys play this handball sport. They will wear leather glove to protect their hand..because the little tiny ball is very hard..I have played the game..but it always hurt my hand..so I prefered to just watch it being played. Here are some young men playing this game in Friesland.... just to give you an idea.

Like I said this game is very popular in Friesland in the summer..and I believe it is catching on in different countries as well. I watched them play some games in 2002 when I went back to Friesland,,with my oldest brother Wietze and my sister-in-law Anna, and younger brother Libbe. I met several of my cousins that I did not get to meet in 2000 when I was there.

Oosterstraat was a street of many games for us kids..we played hide-and seek, tag, jumping ropes, marbles, ball hinkie and block hinkie..which were like hopscotch only we would use a ball or a wooden block with them.

In the winter time we would go ice skating on the canals, or smaller streams..I learned how to ice skate by holding on to a wooden chair for support..and then my wooden shoes (or leather shoes) would be tied to the skates..if you have ever read the book of Hans Brinker you would know what I mean. There would be ice skating races on the canals from vilage to village..and it was a big thing and a great event in Friesland. Too bad for global warming because the canals rarely freeze up any more for these great races. Then of course we had snow ball fights..and building snow houses when we would get enough snow to do so.

In the spring time we would hunt for eggs the ducks would lay on the creek banks and canals..and bring them home to eat..I think there is a law against doing so anymore..but back when I was a kid we could do so..it was fun. Also we did "sletsje springen"..were we had a long pole and jumped accross the small creeks.. when I did it..they had to be extra small cause I did not want to fall in..since I could not swim. This is still a big sport event in Friesland..and many times some people who jump could not make it all the way across the creek and would fall in.

Ok I will have to finish this later and my computer seems to be freezing up in one application at least..so I hope this posts. Come back and read another segment next time..and remember to when you get to this site http://aalie.multiply.com/ click on Aaltje's Stories if you have missed a segment that you really want to read.

God Bless You till next time.

Love, Aalie