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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Aalie's Life Stories ~ 2

I was born in a small town called Witmarsum. Located in the province of Friesland, of the Netherlands.
koepel2520tussen2520kale2520bomen.jpg picture by aaliepaalie
This is where I went to church with my grandmother. It is in the center of the town..
It is of the Nederlands Herformed denomination. The church is built on top of graves and beautifil markers make up the floor of the church, they are from the early 1400 to 1600's.
Around the church is also a grave yard. Where my grandparents a baby brother and some uncles and aunts are buried. When I was back in 2000 (for the first time after 50 years), there were beautiful little flowers that were growing in the grass. I picked some of them! I remember them from when I was a child as we used to chain them together and make necklaces and bracelets out of them. They were beautiful.
We also got to go inside and look all over the church.
It is beautiful!!
I had a chance to go to a church service on a Sunday morning while there in 2000.
These are just short segments of my life stories..as it takes to much time to write large segments...and your time also is valuable. So if you miss any part..please check the Aaltje's Verhaaltjes or Aalie's Stories tags to catch up. Hope you will enjoy..if you have any questions..please do not hesitate to ask and I will reply as soon as I can.
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