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Thursday, July 29, 2010



"The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down
into the innermost parts of the belly."
---Proverbs 18: 8

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How many times have you heard the old saying "sticks and stones may break
my bones
but words will never harm me?" This statement isn't really true,
as the Book of Proverbs tells us, "the words of a talebearer are as wounds,
and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly," (meaning the heart).
Once wounds are suffered, they must be healed, and can leave scars in
the lives of others.

Proverbs 11: 13 tells us "a talebearer revealeth secrets; but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter." The book of James explains to us how the tongue is a most deadly weapon, and is a " a restless evil, full of deadly poison."
Once a person has suffered the effects of words carelessly spoken, they
understand the old saying which says words will never harm, is not true.

How many people are there which we all have misjudged at times, or not seemed to see the good in, which God sees? Do we defend those as God does? And see that the Lord feels "all souls were something to die for?" Or do careless words spoken make others look bad, false, or of no value to others?

No matter how innocent one may think their words are, when another is made to look bad in the eyes of others, the tongue has released deadly poison. Gossip may be opinion, rumor, or even truth, but if shared in a negative manner, harm is done to another. Proverbs 16 says, "gossip separates close friends," (verse 28)
and "Without wood a fire goes out; without gossip a quarrel dies down"
(Proverbs 26:20). Careless words can start a fire of falsehoods
that is hard to quench.

Paul, the Apostle, spoke on the evils of idle talk and speaking in such a way
as to create a bad opinion. In Romans 1:28-31, he mentions gossip as a form of wickedness, along with murder, deceit, being God-haters and like sins.
In 2 Corinthians 12:20, Paul places gossip in the same group as jealousy, arrogance, outbursts of anger, and slander. This shows us the danger of the wickedness of backbiting and idle words spoken about others.

Many times, jealous of another person, or of God using them for His glory,
is the root of causing idle talk in the body of Christ, backbiting, and
discord, behind the backs of those who have done nothing wrong, but
as a result of such idle talk of jealousy, innocent people are hurt and
the Lord is grieved over the discord sown because of jealousy, in His body.

Jealousy is like a fire which spreads, causing hurt and wrong impressions,
thus idle words are spoken as a result. People feel torn down instead of built up and edified in the body of Christ. Feeling a need to appease the feelings of people who keep a jealous spirit and continually share their displeasure with their sister, or brother, spreads even more discord and many times causes problems which cannot be reconciled. Problems can be prevented by keeping a humble spirit before the Lord and loving one another as commanded.
Jealous has no place in the body of Christ when the Lord is being
magnified and exalted, in spirit and in truth. Yet, we see it arise, time and
time again, and must recognize the real root of many problems.

Jesus says we are to: "love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you" (Luke 6:27).

If you've ever been a victim of gossip, you find the Lord helps you to pray for others, that their eyes may be opened to behold the error of their ways. Gossip can also be subtile, and words spoken can make others appear in a bad light, without actually speaking names. God looks at the motive of every spoken word, and knows what is in the heart of a speaker, when words are
spoken. He knows exactly If the message one is trying to get across will edify
in the body of Christ. If the message is meant to appease one or two, but tears down others in the process, we see the damage which can be done by idle words.

Many times people gossip when they are involved in a disagreement or personal quarrel, to gain support from others. In the process, they are divisive and their ways will eventually be exposed through truth. Gossip and slander causes people to believe lies, or the worst about people, and divides people. It causes people to change their views about others, and leaves them with an image of a person that is unfair and not true.

If one has been involved in the sin of "gossip" or "backbiting" they should repent and ask the Lord for forgiveness. They should also make reconciliation with the person they have harmed with their spoken words, if possible. It is
impossible to take back words once they have been uttered. Words are like
"feathers in a windstorm.' They are blown about and can never be regathered.
They are like a fire kindled that keeps burning. But, where there is no talebearer, the fire goes out.

The dictionary defines criticism as "to consider the merits and demerits of,
and judge accordingly" Judgments are opinions. Destructive criticism
can be condemnation, which can result in a final unqualified and unfavorable
judgment. If we see criticisms in a neutral prospective for what they really are,
they can lose their power over us.

If you've been a victim of idle talk or gossip, the Bible says, "Blessed are they
who persevere under trial." .....James 1: 12. Stand strong in the
power of the
, and know that no one here can walk through the lonesome
valley for you, only the Lord God is there beside you. We all live
and learn, and grow as the Lord teaches us His ways and will.
Remember, you were "something to die for" in the eyes of God.
Each person is valuable and loved by God with a love that cannot fail.

Destructive gossip has caused hurt to many hearts, as falsehoods spread
through the rumor mill. Constructive criticism is different, and has a goal to
help one, and build them up in the long run. We should be able to
distinguish the difference.

One can either be 'crippled or challenged' by criticism or gossip. We learn that
constructive criticism can help us be transformed more into the image
of the Lord. We should never disregard criticism that could be helpful to us,
or let destructive criticism stop our efforts and work for the Lord. In all things
we are victorious when we acknowledge the Lord in all our ways, and do not
lean to our own understanding. Our choices in dealing with criticism will
determine if we become "bitter or better." The only right choice is to yield
to God and let the Lord make us the best we can be, for His glory.

Let the comments of others, which are given in love, challenge you to be your
very best for the Lord. Rumors or criticism, which are for the cause of
spreading untruths, or out of jealous, must be ignored. We must recognize
the source of speech where the truth has been disguised, which is not from God.
The Lord will be the one to judge every idle word in His time and way.

We find every effort rewarded when we give our best, including our speech,
to the Master. Our reward and blessings are from God. The best is returned to us
in abundant blessings when we trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not
to our own understanding.

In all our ways we are to acknowledge Him, and He promises to direct our paths.
Our prayer should be as the Psalmist David in Psalm 19: 14. "Let the words
of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight,
O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer."

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann Kelly � 2010, 2006
J. P.'s Inspirations
This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits intact,
for non-profit ministering purposes.


In all of life's many problems
God has given us a choice,
We can become bitter or better
But must always choose to obey God's voice.

There will always be opposition
And words that may wound along life's path,
But if we abide in the Blessed Savior's love,
He will keep our souls free from anger or wrath.

We are challenged by life's many problems
And spoken words which seem to fall like rain,
Although it rains on the just and unjust,
The righteous have power, through His holy name.

We have no reason to be alarmed
As we face the storms of life in faith,
Jesus will keep our souls from harm,
As we let Him lead in the straight and narrow way.

Jo Ann Kelly � 2009, 2005
J. P.'s Inspirations
This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits intact,
for non-profit ministering purposes.