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Saturday, October 29, 2011

"I'll Be Back"

Coffee Break
"I'll Be Back"
"And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." John 14:3
Jesus had spent the last three years with His disciples- day in and day out- and now He tells them that He will be going away. Jesus knew this would be troubling news to them so He begins by telling them not to let what He is about to say trouble their hearts. Then He tells them- "I will come again." He was saying, "You haven't seen the last of Me. I may be absent for a little while, it may look like I am gone for good, but I am not, I will be back." ("Yet a little while." John 14:19a)
There are times when we feel as if we have seen the last of Jesus. You were walking with Him so closely- hearing His words guiding you, feeling His arms of love around you, knowing every move you made He was making it with you. But all of a sudden it appears as if He has left you. You can't feel His presence. It doesn't look like He is anywhere in sight. You can't hear His sweet voice directing you in which way to go. You seek for Him, but He must be hiding because you can't seem to find Him.
Are you feeling like that? During the period of time that He "left" the disciples He had not forgotten them. He was working on their behalf to fulfill the plan of their redemption. He was making preparation for their eternity. He was, as a high priest, presenting His blood on the mercy seat in heaven. They were still on His mind. Though it may seem as if He has "left" you, He has not. He is still making intercession on your behalf. He is still going before the Father on your behalf. Take heart! You haven't seen the last of Him. He has not left you. His eyes are still on you. He is still there.
So this morning, "Let not your heart be troubled. I will come again." You will sense His presence again. You will feel the warm of His presence. You will hear His voice again. You will see His hand working on your behalf. You have not seen the last of Him.
Have a great day. While it seems as if He has left you, He hasn't, He is working on your behalf.
For further reading:
John 14:1-3
Hebrews 8:1; 9:24; 7:25
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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell

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