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Saturday, October 29, 2011

He Will Wipe Every Tear

"His Word Is Enough"

Coffee Break
"His Word Is Enough"
"Saying, The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again." Luke 24:7
Jesus told His disciples that He was going to be crucified but that He would rise again. They saw Him being arrested. They saw Him beaten. They saw Him die on the cross. They saw all their hopes and dreams and all they had believed vanish before them. All they had was Jesus' word- "I will rise again on the third day".
"And the same day, when the even was come, he saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side." (Mark 4:35) While they were in the boat all the disciples could see was a violent storm, the seas roaring and the wind blowing. They could see the water in the boat. They could see the helplessness of the situation. It did not look good for them at all. All they had was Jesus' word- "Let us pass over to the other side".
In both cases the disciples saw nothing encouraging, nothing hopeful, nothing but darkness and death. All they had was Jesus' word to hold on to, but that was enough.
When you face the storms and trials of life, when you go through difficulties, when all looks hopeless, when there is nothing around you but despair, and all you have is God's word about the situation, then that is enough.
All the disciples saw was death, but Jesus said they would see Him raised from the dead--- and they did! All the disciples saw was a storm that was about to destroy them, but Jesus said they were going to the other side--- and they did!
Things may not look good, but we don't walk by sight, we walk by faith-- faith in what Jesus has said. It is not about what we see, but about what we hear. It doesn't matter how dark it may look, if Jesus said the light is coming, then it is. It may look like you are going to drown, but if Jesus said you are going to survive, you will. If whatever you face is saying one thing, but Jesus is saying another-- then what Jesus said is what you can count on.
Have a great day. If all you have is God's word about the situation- no matter how it looks- His word is enough.
For Further reading:
Mark 4:35-41
Romans 1:17
Hebrews 11:1
2 Corinthians 5:7

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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell

and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from
About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc.
Please feel free to
call (601) 833-5278 or
Visit us on the web: www.mastersbusiness.org
You are welcomed to make copies and distribute them free of charge.
You may also forward them via e-mail or post them to your website - leaving the whole message in tact unless permission is granted to do otherwise. Please remember to give credit to About the Master's Business Ministry.

"I'll Be Back"

Coffee Break
"I'll Be Back"
"And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." John 14:3
Jesus had spent the last three years with His disciples- day in and day out- and now He tells them that He will be going away. Jesus knew this would be troubling news to them so He begins by telling them not to let what He is about to say trouble their hearts. Then He tells them- "I will come again." He was saying, "You haven't seen the last of Me. I may be absent for a little while, it may look like I am gone for good, but I am not, I will be back." ("Yet a little while." John 14:19a)
There are times when we feel as if we have seen the last of Jesus. You were walking with Him so closely- hearing His words guiding you, feeling His arms of love around you, knowing every move you made He was making it with you. But all of a sudden it appears as if He has left you. You can't feel His presence. It doesn't look like He is anywhere in sight. You can't hear His sweet voice directing you in which way to go. You seek for Him, but He must be hiding because you can't seem to find Him.
Are you feeling like that? During the period of time that He "left" the disciples He had not forgotten them. He was working on their behalf to fulfill the plan of their redemption. He was making preparation for their eternity. He was, as a high priest, presenting His blood on the mercy seat in heaven. They were still on His mind. Though it may seem as if He has "left" you, He has not. He is still making intercession on your behalf. He is still going before the Father on your behalf. Take heart! You haven't seen the last of Him. He has not left you. His eyes are still on you. He is still there.
So this morning, "Let not your heart be troubled. I will come again." You will sense His presence again. You will feel the warm of His presence. You will hear His voice again. You will see His hand working on your behalf. You have not seen the last of Him.
Have a great day. While it seems as if He has left you, He hasn't, He is working on your behalf.
For further reading:
John 14:1-3
Hebrews 8:1; 9:24; 7:25
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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell

and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from
About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc.
Please feel free to
call (601) 833-5278 or
Visit us on the web: www.mastersbusiness.org
You are welcomed to make copies and distribute them free of charge.
You may also forward them via e-mail or post them to your website - leaving the whole message in tact unless permission is granted to do otherwise. Please remember to give credit to About the Master's Business Ministry.

"He Won't Put Up With It"

Coffee Break
"He Won't Put Up With It"
"And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" Luke 6:46
What do you think would happen if on your job you decided to set your own hours- you would come in and leave when you wanted to? What if you decided that you wouldn't go to work at all this week- just because you didn't feel like it? What if when you got to work you only did the job that you wanted to do? What do you think your employer would say about that? Do you think he would continue to allow you to work there? If you were an employer with an employee like that, would you allow him to remain or would you fire him?
What if when you got married you told your husband- I will wear your ring and take on your name, but I will continue to see my old boy friends. I will be at home during the week but on the weekends I am going out with the girls. Suppose you told your husband that you were not going to cook his meals or wash his clothes- except when you felt like it. Wives, suppose your husband told you that he was not going to work and make a living, you would have to take care of everything that needed doing, and he would not be home but one night a week because he plans on spending the other nights with his buddies or seeing a girl friend. If that was you, how would you feel? What would you do about it? Would you put up with that type of "relationship"?
In both examples neither would put up with it. Your employer would fire you. Your spouse would never agree to such an arrangement. So, let me ask you a question-- why do we think that Jesus will put up with it? Why do we say we are saved and not act like it? Why do we continue to do the things we want to do and think that it is all right with Him? Why is it that we think He will overlook the fact that we never go to His house, we never read His word, we never talk to Him (except when we are in trouble) and think that He'll "understand". We don't get by with it in our earthly relationships with other people, yet, we think we will get by with it where Jesus is concerned.
An employer wants an employee that he can count on, that is faithful to his position and that will actually work for his pay check. A husband/wife wants their spouse to love them, spend time with them, choose them above others and be there with and for them. What do you think Jesus wants? He wants someone to love Him- not with "lip service" but with lifestyle. He wants someone who desires to be with Him, who will follow Him and will listen to His voice. We give that respect to others, why is He any different?
Your employer would not put up with your lack of commitment. Your spouse would not put up with your lack of love and respect. And contrary to popular opinion, Jesus won't put up with your taking Him for granted. One day He will tell you, "Depart, I never knew you."
Have a great day. If our boss and spouse won't put up with our lack of commitment, why do we think Jesus will put up with it?
For further reading:
Matthew 7:21,23; 16:24; 22:37
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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell

and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from
About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc.
Please feel free to
call (601) 833-5278 or
Visit us on the web: www.mastersbusiness.org
You are welcomed to make copies and distribute them free of charge.
You may also forward them via e-mail or post them to your website - leaving the whole message in tact unless permission is granted to do otherwise. Please remember to give credit to About the Master's Business Ministry.

"The Outdated Bible"

Coffee Break
"The Outdated Bible"
"And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock." Matthew 7:25
"And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew." The scripture said that the storms came. It didn't say, "If the storms come". Storms are a given in life-- they come. So what do we do when they come?
Some seek the advice of others. Some try to solve the problems themselves. Some think they can throw enough money at it and it will calm down. Others think that they can ignore it and it will go away. There is only one sure solution- the Word of God.
Sadly, we aren't taught how to hold fast to and stand upon God's word much any more. Instead we are taught that God's word is outdated and old fashioned- it was all right for men in the old days but not for today. We live in a modern society- the Word of God is "old school". Then we are taught that the Word of God is a crutch for the weak minded, uneducated and poor. We have "evolved" our thinking past what the Bible says- we are living in the "Age of Enlightenment". The Bible was good for the "dark ages" but not for today.
Let me go on record as saying that the Bible never has been and never will be outdated!! You can believe what you want to believe about it. You can believe that it does not apply to your life or situation. You can believe that there are more effective ways of dealing with your problems/storms. You can believe that it has run its course and is no longer relevant. But just because you believe it doesn't mean that your belief is right.
I choose to believe what God says. He says His Word is eternal- heaven and earth will pass away but His Word will remain forever. In the beginning was the Word and at the end the Word will still be there. His Word is the only true source of strength, healing, light and life. I choose to believe what Jesus said, "Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock." (Matthew 7:24) Truly wise people build their lives on God's Word.
Jesus also said something else, "And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand." (verse 26) We may think we are so smart and have outgrown the Word of God, but Jesus Himself said that you are "foolish" to think that without His Word you can make it through this life. There is a verse that sums up pretty well those who think that the Word of God is irrelevant, outdated and not necessary-- "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." (Romans 1:22)
Have a great day. Wise men believe that the Word of God is relevant and necessary. Foolish men believe that God's Word is outdated and unnecessary.
For further reading:
John 1:1
Matthew 24:35
Psalm 119:105
James 1:22
2 Timothy 1:13; 3:15-17; 4:2-4
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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell

and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from
About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc.
Please feel free to
call (601) 833-5278 or
Visit us on the web: www.mastersbusiness.org
You are welcomed to make copies and distribute them free of charge.
You may also forward them via e-mail or post them to your website - leaving the whole message in tact unless permission is granted to do otherwise. Please remember to give credit to About the Master's Business Ministry.

"Lifestyle Adjustment"

Coffee Break
"Lifestyle Adjustment"
"By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season." Hebrews 1:24,25
When Moses was a baby, he was not only rescued from death but he was raised in the palace as the grandson of Pharaoh. He could have lived the rest of his life in comfort and ease. He had everything that a person could ever hope for- position, power, education, wealth, servants at his disposal, pleasures, etc. He would never have to work to make a living. He would never have to struggle. Everything would come to him on a "silver platter". He had it made by our estimation. His life was a true "rags to riches" story. Yet Moses gave it all up.
He refused to associate with those who were enjoying this lifestyle. He chose a life of suffering instead. He turned away from worldly pleasure, ease and comfort. It seems foolish. There are those who would say he was crazy. Why would he do that? He had everything that others so desperately desire and work to achieve?
The answer is found in the next verse- "Considering the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt; for he was looking to the reward." (NAS) Moses knew that to be identified with Christ was greater than to be identified with Pharaoh. He knew who the real King was- kings/Pharaohs come and go with the passing of time. He also knew that kingdoms rise and fall, but Christ is the Eternal King who has an eternal kingdom. He knew the riches of Pharaoh's palace were only temporary- moths and rust would destroy them, and thieves could steal them- but the riches of Christ are eternal. As far as Moses was concerned, there was no comparison of the earthly riches and the heavenly ones. He knew that there is a reward that can never be taken away, that will never fade away, that will last forever. He was looking for the crown of life which was so much more valuable than some sort of gold crown fashioned by the hands of man. He knew that a relationship with the Heavenly King was far greater and more wonderful.
What about you? Are you choosing the riches of this world above eternal riches? Are you choosing the temporary pleasures of this world above the eternal rewards that await those who choose to be identified with Christ? There is no comparison and Moses knew this, therefore, he adjusted his life accordingly. And in the end, there was no doubt he made the better choice. Are you adjusting your life accordingly? In eternity, you will be so glad that you chose Christ instead of all this world has to offer.
Have a great day. Our belief in Jesus will often cause an adjustment to be made in our lifestyles, but it will be worth it all in eternity when it really counts.
For further reading:
Mark 10:28-30
Matthew 6:19,20
Romans 8:18
2 Timothy 4:8
James 1:12
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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell

and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from
About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc.
Please feel free to
call (601) 833-5278 or
Visit us on the web: www.mastersbusiness.org
You are welcomed to make copies and distribute them free of charge.
You may also forward them via e-mail or post them to your website - leaving the whole message in tact unless permission is granted to do otherwise. Please remember to give credit to About the Master's Business Ministry.