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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Immorality Defiles the Church

It was reported in the Corinthian church (1 Cor. 5:1-8) that there was sexual immorality happening among them. Actually it was an incestuous relationship between a member of the church and his stepmother. This kind of relationship was completely forbidden by the Old Testament law (Lev. 18:8; Duet. 22:30) and also by Roman law. Paul used his phrase "his father's wife" instead of "his mother". The omission of discipline for the woman implies that she was not a believer. The church is responsible for disciplining only its members, not unbelievers.
This is rarely happening in the churches of today. Today you have almost anything going on, and no one gets disciplined. There could be several reasons for this..but one reason is that, ministers are wanting large churches, large crowds, a big name, and lots of tithes and offerings coming in.
Disciplining its members could cut out some big tithers, could cause some to quit the church and go elsewhere, or not go anywhere at all.
The reason immorality among members should be judged and disciplined is so that their soul may be saved..but in this day and age many pastors refuse to do this...and it just grows and grows in the church like a cancer.
The pastor and those in the church who know this is going on are going to be held accountable when their judgement day comes
..and I would hate to be in their shoes.

In 1 Cor. 5:9-12 it says that we are not even to keep company with sexually immoral people. Of course Paul did not mean the people of this world or unbelievers..he meant those you know are saying they are believers, they sing in the choir, they play instruments in the church, they usher, sometimes are associate pastors, or deacons, they could even hold the janitor job in the church. sometimes they could do nothing in the church except hold the pew down. If we know they are sexually immoral, even covetous believers, or extortioners, or idolater , a reviler, or a drunkard, we are not to keep company with them..and not to even eat with them.

Many will say we are not to judge anyone..they will use the words of Jesus.."judge not lest ye be judged." And Jesus is right we are not to judge those who are outside the church , but those who are on the inside of the Church we are to judge..Paul even says to put away from yourselves the evil person.

True revival cannot come to a church unless it has been cleansed.