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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Message for Fathers

Fathers have as great an opportunity as teachers as anyone in the world. You see, that boy or girl in the home has the chance to see if their father really believes and practices what they teach.

A father who says he believes in Sunday school, and then does not go himself, is teaching by his actions that he really does not feel it very important. A father who teaches love and tolerance to all and yet maintains a critical attitude in the home toward his brothers and sisters in the church is doing a wrong to his children that is nearly impossible to overcome. It is pure poison to the mind of the child, and will most certainly be a stumbling block in the way of the child becoming a Christian.

A father who says he believes the Bible to be the greatest Book, to be God's Word to us, but leaves it on the shelf to gather dust while he spends hours with the newspaper, magazines, radio and television is in reality saying, "Children, the Bible isn't very important. You should read it if you have any extra time."

Which one of you had not heard a little boy step proudly forward among his playmates and declare, "I KNOW that's so because my Daddy said so!" He has confidence in you, dear Dad, and the things that he sees you put first in your life are going to stand out as mighty important to him, too.

This Father's Day, make your prayer to be, "Lord, may I live my life in such a way as to be loved and imitated by my children."

Here is your copy of firstIMPRESSIONS, Volume 11.24. Live for God, on purpose, imitating Christ so that others may imitate you, and find Christ.