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Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Hidden Costs of Babylonian Practices

Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.
Rom. 13:8

The Babylonian system teaches us to live off debt. We have been so steeped in this practice that we can't see how it's even possible to live any other way. For example, we think that we must get a mortgage and buy a house. We must go into debt, load up the debt, pay interest to the creditors for a long period of time, and pay two or three times the buying price for the house. All the time, our money is in the Babylonian system, going to evil folk to use it for evil purposes.

We can't see that renting a house is a good option, because the Babylonian system tells us that renting is giving away money. Just because you buy a house doesn't mean it will increase in value. It doesn't mean it will keep the same value. Indeed, it may lose its value. We won't save enough to buy a car; we'll buy it on time, paying interest for five years in some cases. The value of the car diminished a third the moment the tires hit the pavement, but when we have been steeped in Babylonianism, our math gets funny.

In other words, the only options we can see are those that necessitate us using the world's system to do them. We go from not counting interest to accepting it as a cost of doing business. That cost could have been in our pockets!

God's best way is for us to live by the seed we have sowed and saved. It may take a little longer to buy something, but it will save a whole lot of money and give us less heartache and less trouble.

Prayer for Today

Your Word has never failed me yet, and I am so thankful that you speak to every area of my life. Thank you for giving me guidance regarding how I save, how I spend, and how I give the money you've given to me. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Selah: Think on These Things

  • Proverbs 3:27-28
  • Proverbs 22:7

by Bishop Keith A. Butler