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Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Focal Point of Unity

The Focal Point of Unity
by Bishop Keith A. Butler

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments.

Psalm 133:1-2

The word unity means oneness. Aaron was the high priest, and the oil that ran down his head to his feet was a sign of God's anointing. The anointing is God and His power on you to do what you cannot do. The anointing is burden-removing, yoke-destroying power. The anointing is the manifestation of God Himself, and He says, "Unity is like that precious ointment."

God commanded the blessing where unity operates. Staying in unity and in one accord is the most important thing that we do. Unity does not mean we all feel the same way or that we all have the same opinions. Unity means that we all decide that God's Word matters more than anything else. The Word is our common reference point. The Word settles all arguments. When we move from the Word to our feelings and our opinions, we have left the ground of the anointing and placed ourselves in position where satan gets to divide and conquer.

Unity requires work, and it requires a decision. The longer people are together, the more opportunities there will be for contempt and disagreement. Unity brings the anointing on the scene. Unity brings Jesus on the scene.

Prayer for Today

I give you glory for your anointing on my life. I praise you for this burden-removing power and for your Word. I ask that a Spirit of unity and the presence of Jesus be the witness of your grace in my life. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Selah: Think on These Things

  • Genesis 13:8
  • Jeremiah 32:39