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Monday, September 27, 2010



by Carol Strange
copyright 8-16-2009
When you don't hear from God, sometimes you think your prayers or answers aren't coming. In your frustration you fall to your knees in tears and say, "God, where are You".
Have you ever been through a time where God is silent for weeks or months? You just don't hear Him at all. I went through that for weeks.
I thought maybe my spiritual ears were deaf. I would say quietly "God are You there"? Nothing, no sound at all. You really don't know what to do when you have always heard from God even in small matters.
A few weeks before I felt led of the Lord to download beautiful songs sung by Jeff and Sherri Easter, the Gaithers and David Phelps. So I'm just having a great time doing this for hours. I played the songs so much that I knew them off by heart.
One day a friend and I were in the kitchen just talking and I said "does God ever go silent on you"? She said "yes". "What do you do"? No sooner than I got the words out of my mouth I suddenly just got up and started towards the hallway. Next thing I knew, God spoke these words to me. "When you can't hear Me, Praise Me." I shouted "Yes!"
I understood what the Lord meant.
The songs I downloaded weeks before I was to listen and praise God.
This is what you do in between God's gigs. What I mean by gigs is....
doing God's will.
Between God's gigs we are to be reading His word and praising HIM with a joyful heart. Usually God is preparing you for something that
is coming down the road. Jesus does warn us if we take the time to hear Him speak.
When we are too busy and have a lot on our plate we tend to forget about God. I mean, He is there but way back in our minds somewhere. It's kind of like we put God on a shelf until an emergency pops up.
Father, we need You every second of our lives. We cannot function without You. I thank You for the times You have corrected me in
Your mercy.
I thank you for Your great love and desire to be our Father.
I thank you for being there in the lonely times of our lives when no one else sustains us but YOU. Let us forever hear the voice of the Holy Spirit telling us what to do and say to bring You glory.
I love You my Father and forever I will stand in You.