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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Be Fruitful

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Be Fruitful

June 22, 2010

By William E. Richardson

Before Jesus left the earth, He promised to go prepare a place for His
followers. He said He'd return to get us so we could live with Him forever
(John 14:1-3).

Jesus didn't say He'd prepare a place for all the "good" people in the world
or for all those who attended church most Sundays. Jesus didn't say the
future eternal residence would be for all who are devoted to a set of
religious traditions.

He did clearly state the importance of living a life devoted to Him (John

Plenty of people believe Jesus walked the earth and died on a cross. Still,
they don�t practice a seven-day-a-week relationship with Jesus. James
reminds us it takes more than hearing a sermon week after week to get to
heaven. He said if we hear the Word preached but don�t do it, we deceive
ourselves (James 1:22).

To reap spiritual rewards, you must first bear spiritual fruit. True, the
thief on the cross trusted Jesus shortly before his death. Others have made
deathbed confessions in Christ as Savior. But even those testimonies have
impacted other people for the gospel. Jesus said He "appointed" His
followers to bear fruit (John 15:16, NKJV).

Many who sit in a pew or a folding chair on Sunday morning go home to change
their clothes and the direction of their thoughts for the day. What about
the seeds God plants in our hearts during the sermon and the rest of the
service? If we take time to water and nourish those seeds by praying about
them and acting on them, the seeds can grow into fruit for God.

Anyone who treats Christianity like a hobby will become the fruitless
branches Jesus warned about (John 15:2). Bear fruit! Wrap your Christian
identity, your life-changing relationship with Jesus, around every part of
your life. Let it flow through your every action. Not only will you be
changed, but you will help others discover the difference the Savior can
make in their lives as well.

William E. Richardson is senior pastor of Afton (Iowa) Assembly of God and
author of the "God�s Billboards" newsletter.

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Islam in America: The June 27 Pentecostal Evangel helps readers deepen their
understanding of Muslims and how they can reach them with the love of

Be sure to read this week's PE staff blogs at pe.agblogger.org.
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