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Monday, May 10, 2010

This Not a Political Platform!

Due to the fact that I have asked (nicely) a certain contact to not place political messages into my guest book here at Multiply..I have temporally removed my Guest book. And removed this contact from my list..they may be a Christian and I may in part agree with somethings they say and write..this guest book nor this blog is a political platform to feed through..that is what their own blogs are for..although I may at times write somethings that may be of interest politically..and also how it relates in our Christian lives...this is not the purpose of my blog. Mostly I just want to be a blessing by posting Christian Devotions, Articles, Videos, and personal messages from time to time. I hope all my contacts, understand..I appreciate all the uplifting messages many of you have posted into my Guest book. May God Richly bless You!! love, Aalie