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Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Ingredients of a Miracle


The Ingredients of a Miracle

By Pastor Timothy Satryan

Are you in need of a miracle in your life? Are there things you are facing that seem to be absolutely impossible to handle in the natural? Are you looking to the Lord, and in desperate need of something supernatural in your life to happen?

If you are, then you are not alone. We all need the Lord's miraculous touch in our life each and every day. But, here is the key question - what are you doing to make yourself eligible to receive that miracle you so desperately need?

As we enter the Christmas week, our thoughts go back to the Biblical narrative of Joseph and Mary, and their giving birth - miraculously - to the very Son of God. Have you ever considered just why God chose those two individuals to be the vessels through whom He would operate to bring His Son into this world? Why Joseph? And, why Mary? There were surely scores of other men and women God could have chosen to use as the earthly parents of His Son.

God specifically chose, spoke to, and used Joseph and Mary to perform the greatest miracle of all time - the Word of God became flesh, and dwelt among us. Now, although none of us is seeking for a miracle that even begins to compare with the miraculous event of the birth of Christ, the reasons that God chose and used Joseph and Mary are the same reasons that God can - and will - choose and use you in the miracle that you need!

There are three very specific ingredients that were a part of the character of Joseph and Mary that enabled them to become the recipients of this Miracle of all miracles! And, these same three ingredients need to be present in you if you want to see God do a miracle in your life!

What are "The Ingredients of a Miracle"? That is exactly what we will discover this Sunday as we worship together at WFA! Don't miss this fantastic time together before the Lord!

Listen to last week's sermon

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