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Friday, November 20, 2009

The Overcoming Spirit!

The Overcoming Spirit!

e49b3e48.jpg picture by Gerrit_07

"Their weakness was turned to strength." - Hebrews 11:34 NLT

In nature, almost all animals have some form of weakness. Whether that is their size, shape, eyesight, teeth, diet or a whole load of other possibilities, there's always something that can be taken advantage of by a rival or a predator. However, as we can see from watching an animal documentary for more than five seconds, animals have an incredible way of turning these weaknesses into strengths. Being a small, slow animal may seem a disadvantage, but you can fit into holes your predators can't.

We all have weaknesses; some more than others. But as your strengths are God-given, is it not possible that some of your weaknesses may be too? You may be a stubborn so 'n' so but your stubbornness might just be the thing that enables you to kick that habit once and for all. You may have some physical problem that stops you getting out much, but maybe developing and using your mind is how you're going to impact the world. You may get easily bored and frustrated but maybe this could be used as motivation to make things better and get things changed, rather than stirring up negativity?

Make a list today of your strengths and weaknesses. Go through this list and ask God, how can I use all these things for you?

From firstIMPRESSIONS Volume 9.42

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