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Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Prayer Using the Names of God

A Prayer Using the Names of God

Volume943Prayer-Using-Names-of-God.jpg picture by Gerrit_07

I KNOW you can create something out of nothing, will you create something out of any nothing areas - impossible situations in my life.

El Elyon,
I KNOW you are in control, sovereign, and I give you my circumstances today.

I KNOW you are my Lord and Master, I choose to follow you instead of the ways of the world.

El Shaddai,
I KNOW you are God Almighty, and I trust that you are sufficient for my deepest needs today.

Yahweh Jireh,
I KNOW you are my provider, and will supply everything I need today.

El Roi,
I KNOW you are the God who sees, and that I am never alone, and nothing in my life goes unnoticed, for you know it all and see it all.

I KNOW you are the one and only, self-existent, eternal, covenant-keeping God and that you will always love me.

Yahweh Rophe,
I KNOW you are my healer and I come to you now with every area of me that needs healing today.

Yahweh Nissi,
I KNOW you are my banner, and the victory in every situation that threatens me today.

Yahweh Mekaddesh,
I KNOW you are my sanctifier, making me holy, doing for me what I can never do for myself.

Yahweh Shalom,
I KNOW you are my peace, and bring calm in every storm I face in life.

Yahweh Sabaoth,
I KNOW you are the LORD of hosts, and bring deliverance as you defeat my enemies.

Yahweh Ro'i,
I KNOW you are my shepherd, and intimately care for me even if no one else does.

Abba, Father,
I KNOW you are my Father and that I can run to you and rest in the security of your everlasting arms.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Here is your copy of firstIMPRESSIONS, Volume 9.43. Live for God, on purpose, making choices each day that honor the Lord.

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