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Friday, December 02, 2005

Christmas, Just an "Exchange Religion"?

from Senior Pastor Timothy Satryan

A few years ago, in an article in World magazine, Marvin Olasky noted that the emphasis on material gifts at Christmas may make us think of Christianity as just one more “exchange religion” – meaning, you do something for a god, who will then do something for you. The pagan citizens of Rome some 2,000 years ago readily recognized what “liberalitas” were – giving to please the receiver of the gift, who will then at some point want to please you. The common mind set of ancient Rome was that it was better to give than to receive, because by clever giving to wealthy friends, you could receive more in return back from them. Unfortunately, they applied the same concept theologically, offering sacrifices as investments.

Those early believers in Christ did something far different than the pagans. They practiced “caritas,” providing help to the economically poor, without any expectation of receiving something in return. They did that to imitate Christ, who was unjustly abandoned, tortured and killed for the sake of all who believe in Him. They praised God’s willingness to pour his grace over those who had done nothing to earn it.

Christmas is about God’s caritas. While today we display artistic scenes of the baby Jesus lying in a manger as a way to decorate for Christmas, we need to take time to recognize that the incarnation for God was the most humiliating action that could ever happen. For God to become flesh, to leave heaven and become a part of His own creation, is far worse than if you or I had born as a dog.

And yet, Christ showed caritas right to the last, by telling one of the thieves dying alongside Him that they would be together in paradise.

Here is your copy of firstIMPRESSIONS, Volume 5.48. Live for God, on purpose, demonstrating the true spirit of Christmas giving – giving even as Christ gave of Himself.