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Friday, July 29, 2011

Your Prayer Closet

Your Prayer Closet

Most of you, I'm sure, are familiar with Jesus' words in Matthew 6:5-8, where he said, "...when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him."

The word Jesus used in this passage for "room" is "tameion." It means an inner storage chamber or a secret place. This has generally, in our day, thought by many as referring to a "prayer closet." But, what was Jesus really saying here? He is telling us that a public prayer, announced on a street corner, gives the person praying all the attention he can expect to receive, while a quiet prayer, directed at God and not seen or heard by others, will reap spiritual blessings.

Some have taken the admonition literally. They set aside a room or a quiet corner in their homes, furnish it with a comfortable chair, table, Bible, and maybe a notebook, and use that corner for a regular prayer time. That's certainly appropriate, but the fact that the room Jesus referred to most likely meant a pantry gives us a little more flexibility.

A "prayer closet" might be a daily commute, a bench in the back yard, or the kitchen table. John Wesley's mother is said to have sat in a chair and thrown her apron over her head as a sign to her kids to leave her alone. Jesus usually went to a secluded hillside. The point is that the "closet" is a place free from interruption, distraction, and listening ears.

Although there are good reasons to have a dedicated space for regular prayer such as training the family to respect the quiet, and keeping prayer-related materials in one place, that was not what Jesus was referring to. The passage in Matthew 6 talks about performing religious acts for the purpose of allowing others to see.

If a specific, dedicated location encourages prayer, it should by all means be used. If the cab of a pickup or a quiet stretch of beach suffices, that's perfectly acceptable. Any act, be it praying, giving, or serving, should not be done for the purpose of gaining approval from others. Praying, giving, and serving should be responses to our relationship with God and the mercies He has given us.

From firstIMPRESSIONS Vol. 11.30

"Too Heavenly Minded"

Coffee Break

"Too Heavenly Minded"

"... but we have the mind of Christ." 1 Corinthians 2:16b

We have all heard it said, "You can be so heavenly minded that you are no earthly good". I understand where those who say that are coming from, but I don't believe that it is an accurate statement. As I thought about it, I began to think about the life of Jesus. He was nothing but "heavenly minded". He had a "kingdom mindset" behind everything He did- He did it with the kingdom in view. Everything He said was in reference to the kingdom. His thoughts were on the things of the kingdom- not on worldly things. Everywhere He went He was presenting the kingdom. His whole life was wrapped up in the kingdom and kingdom things and He was continually relating it to those on earth. He was the "embodiment" of the kingdom while He was on earth- showing us what the kingdom was like.

I don't think being "too heavenly minded is the problem". I think the problem with most Christians now days is that we aren't heavenly/kingdom minded enough. Perhaps it would be better said this way, "We need to be a little more heavenly/kingdom minded if we are going to be of any earthly good".

The scriptures tell us a lot about the renewing of our minds so that we won't be conformed to this world. It tells us what things we are to think on, and all those things are spiritual/heavenly things. If we are truly going to be of any earthly good, then we are going to have to be more kingdom minded than we are and less worldly minded--- we are going to have to keep heavenly things always in the forefront of our minds. Those things are: all have sinned and come short of the glory of God; the wages of sin is death- eternity in hell; the love of God that brought Jesus to earth to pay the price for our sins so that we can have eternal life; God's grace and mercy that He has shown to a lost and dying world; heaven; peace with God; fellowship and communion with the Father; joy in salvation; etc. We are going to have to have our minds on these "heavenly" things so that we will not forget that God loves the lost and without Him they are perishing.

Without being a little more heavenly minded we look, sound and act just like the world and, therefore, our lights are hid. Keeping our mind on heavenly/kingdom things keeps everything in perspective so that our lights continue to shine brightly and we don't lose our saltiness. If the world is going to see and hear about who Jesus is- it will happen as they see it and hear if from our lives. And they will only see it and hear it as we are more heavenly minded than earthly minded.

Have a great day. We need to be a little more heavenly minded if we are going to be of any earthly good.

For further reading:
Romans 12:2
Philippians 2:5;4:8
Colossians 3:1,2
Luke 17:21
John 14:9

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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from
About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc.
Please feel free to
call (601) 833-5278 or
Visit us on the web: www.mastersbusiness.org
If you would like to subscribe to the Coffee Break mailing list, visit our website and on the Coffee Break page you will find a submision form.
You are welcomed to make copies and distribute them free of charge.
You may also forward them via e-mail or post them to your website - leaving the whole message in tact unless permission is granted to do otherwise. Please remember to give credit to About the Master's Business Ministry.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Shoes In Church

The following is a testimony from Annie B. followed by the message "Shoes in Church"..I think many of us can relate to this.---Aalie

SHOES IN CHURCH: I have seen this before,maybe even shared it before but here it is again and it touches my heart every time I read it. It
really hits close to home as I have always been poor not that I have ever really gone hungry but we have been homeless and my children were raised poor. We always had our basic needs met but sometimes I wondered and worried but I tell you true, God is very good and has never let us down. I've let Him down a lot I am sure, We didn't have much but we were always neat and clean if not fashionable and I have always felt not quite accepted in church, the churches around here even been called poor white trash to my face by a "church lady" and was not accepted here until recent years when God made a name for me in the writing profession, now people want to be my friend because I am known and have won a few awards. No thank you, that isn't why I write or why I go to church to show off my talent or my fashion and that non-acceptance has helped to turn my kids sour on church and on God. I know how that man felt. I pray more people learn about God and the heart of man not mans outward appearance. Love,

Shoes in Church:

I showered and shaved................ I adjusted my tie.

I got there and sat................ In a pew just in time.

Bowing my head in prayer............ As I closed my eyes.

I saw the shoe of the man next to me....... Touching my own. I sighed.

With plenty of room on either side......... I thought, 'Why must our soles touch?'

It bothered me, his shoe touching mine.. But it didn't bother him much.

A prayer began: 'Our Father'............. I thought, 'This man with the shoes, has no pride.

They're dusty, worn, and scratched. Even worse, there are holes on the side!'

'Thank You for blessings,' the prayer went on.

The shoe man said................. A quiet 'Amen.'

I tried to focus on the prayer....... But my thoughts were on his shoes again..

Aren't we supposed to look our best. When walking through that door?

'Well, this certainly isn't it,' I thought, Glancing toward the floor.

Then the prayer was ended............ And the songs of praise began.

The shoe man was certainly loud..... Sounding proud as he sang.

His voice lifted the rafters........ His hands were raised high.

The Lord could surely hear.. The shoe man's voice from the sky.

It was time for the offering........ And what I threw in was steep.

I watched as the shoe man reached.... Into his pockets so deep.

I saw what was pulled out.......... What the shoe man put in.

Then I heard a soft 'clink' . As when silver hits tin.

The sermon really bored me.......... To tears, and that's no lie.

It was the same for the shoe man... For tears fell from his eyes.

At the end of the service........ As is the custom here.

We must greet new visitors, And show them all good cheer.

But I felt moved somehow........... And wanted to meet the shoe man.

So after the closing prayer........ I reached over and shook his hand.

He was old and his skin was dark..... And his hair was truly a mess.....

But I thanked him for coming.......... For being our guest...

He said, 'My names' Charlie............ I'm glad to meet you, my friend.'

There were tears in his eyes......... But he had a large, wide grin..

'Let me explain,' he said............. Wiping tears from his eyes.

'I've been coming here for months...... And you're the first to say 'Hi.''

'I know that my appearance...........'Is not like all the rest.

'But I really do try....................'To always look my best.'

'I always clean and polish my shoes...'Before my very long walk.

'But by the time I get here........'They're dirty and dusty, like chalk.'

My heart filled with pain............ And I swallowed to hide my tears.

As he continued to apologize.......... For daring to sit so near

He said, 'When I get here............'I know I must look a sight.

'But I thought if I could touch you....'Then maybe our souls might unite.'

I was silent for a moment............. Knowing whatever was said

Would pale in comparison.... I spoke from my heart, not my head.

'Oh, you've touched me,' I said.......'And taught me, in part;

'That the best of any man..............'Is what is found in his heart.'

The rest, I thought,............... This shoe man will never know.

Like just how thankful I really am.... That his dirty old shoe touched my soul

You are special to me and you have made a difference in my life. I respect you, and truly cherish you. God made you special.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

"You Have To Do It"

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

"You Have To Do It"

"But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway." 1 Corinthians 9:27

So you won't misunderstand what I am about to say, let me say this first- only the Lord can truly save us, heal us and deliver us, we can't do it ourselves. I do not have the power to set myself free from the bondage of sin. I cannot give myself eternal life. I cannot bring myself out of the pit of destruction. I can't heal my body when it is consumed with sickness. Only the Lord can set the captive free and open the prison door to those who are bound. I can't do it, but He can. He is able and with Him nothing is impossible or too difficult.

Now, having said that, let me say this- when we have a besetting sin in our lives, when we are going through a time of temptation, when we are wrestling with some lust of the flesh, we often think that the Lord is going to just "miraculously; magically" come down and take it away from us, slap it out of our hands or snatch it from us. We think that all we have to do is sit back and let Him just do it all for us. That is not the case.

Although He can do that there are some things that He expects us to do and He will empower us by giving us the grace and strength to do it. Paul, in the verse above, said that "he" kept his body under subjection. That meant that he was the one who disciplined it, he was the one who did not allow it to have everything it desired. He took control of his flesh and would not let it give into every desire and craving.

There are some things that you are waiting for God to do for you but He has told you to do it. You are waiting for Him to come and "take it out of your hands" but He is not going to. You have to do it. You have to lay it aside. You have to stop it. You have to turn from it. You have to decide not to do it. You have to discipline yourself. But when you do, like I said earlier, He will empower you with everything you need to do it.

Have a great day. You are waiting on God to do it, and you are the one who has to do it, then He will come to your aid.

For further reading:
Hebrews 12:1
Galatians 5:1
Philippians 4:13
James 4:7

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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from
About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc.
Please feel free to
call (601) 833-5278 or
Email: mastersbusiness@bellsouth.net
Visit us on the web: www.mastersbusiness.org

You are welcomed to make copies and distribute them free of charge.
You may also forward them via e-mail or post them to your website - leaving the whole message in tact unless permission is granted to do otherwise. Please remember to give credit to About the Master's Business Ministry.