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Friday, May 27, 2011


Coffee Break
"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy." John 10:10a
There are three things that I have noticed that the devil tries to steal from us: our joy, our peace and our praise.
He tries to steal our joy because the joy of the Lord is where our strength lies. "The joy of the Lord is your strength". (Nehemiah 8:10) The literal meaning of this verse is, "The joy of the Lord is a well fortified place". If he can steal our joy then we are left exposed to whatever comes to attack us making us vulnerable and easy prey.
He tries to steal our peace. If he can steal our peace, again, we are left vulnerable because peace is like a garrison which guards our hearts and minds. Peace protects us mentally, emotionally and spiritually. "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:7)
He tries to steal our praise because God Himself- who is our strength and peace, and all that we need- inhabits the praises of His people. "But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel." (Psalm 22:3) Praise draws Him near to us and when He is near there is nothing that we lack. He is our peace, in His presence is joy, in short, He Himself is our fortified place. He is that safe place to us. In His presence we are not vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy. In His presence we can see more clearly when the enemy comes to attack. In His presence we have no fear. In His presence we have the power that we need to overcome the enemy. "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust." (Psalm 91:1,2)
So when the enemy comes be on guard and know that his goal is to destroy and kill you. And he does this by trying to steal your joy, peace and praise because without them, you are left vulnerable to his attacks and easier to defeat.
Have a great day. Do all you can to guard your joy, peace and praise, it is your safe dwelling place.
For further reading:
Psalm 91; 16:11
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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from
About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc.
Please feel free to
call (601) 833-5278 or
Visit us on the web: www.mastersbusiness.org
You are welcomed to make copies and distribute them free of charge.
You may also forward them via e-mail or post them to your website - leaving the whole message in tact unless permission is granted to do otherwise.
Please remember to give credit to About the Master's Business Ministry

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Coffee Break ~ "Knowing Him"

"Knowing Him"

"For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." 2 Peter 1:8
It is impossible for us to know all there is to know about the Lord while we are here on earth. The depth of who He is is beyond our ability to comprehend. Now we only see and know in part. There is so much more to Him and about Him than we have experienced. Peter, James and John walked with Jesus day in and day out- thinking they knew who He was- then one day Jesus showed them who He really was by taking them to the Mount of Transfiguration.
Although we will never know the fullness of who He is while we are here, we can know at least "in part" who He is. But that knowing who He is doesn't come all at once, it is a process. We learn who He is a little at a time. The disciples were with Him for a long time yet on more than one occasion we hear them asking, "Who is this?" Paul, the Apostle, after serving the Lord faithfully for years and walking in daily communion with Him, still prayed that he would "know Him". At Philip's request for Jesus to show them the Father, Jesus responded, "Have I been with you all this time and yet you still don't know who I am?". None of them had the full knowledge of who Jesus was, they were in the process of learning Him.
There is a knowledge that we gain about Him at salvation. We know Jesus as the One who saved us, placed His love on us and forgave us of our sins. But that is just the beginning of the process of "knowing" Him. In our verse above it points to how we can be "fruitful" in our knowledge of Him. It says that if certain things be in us, and abound in us, that we won't be "barren" in our knowledge of Him.
What are those things? Virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness and charity. (verse 7) We are to be diligent in adding these to our faith.
1) Virtue- seek to live a life of moral excellence and refrain from immorality.
2) Knowledge- seek to know, enquire into and investigate spiritual truths.
3) Temperance- self control.
4) Patience- steadfast endurance.
5) Godliness- reverence to God. Having an attitude to do what is pleasing to God.
6) Brotherly love- love one another
7) Charity- love
All these things come through the knowledge of the Truth- the truth of God's word. As we apply them, walk in them and practice them daily we are gaining a greater knowledge of who He is because these are the very character of Christ, and we are becoming more fruitful in our knowledge of Him because we are becoming more like Him.
Have a great day. Knowing Him comes through a process.
For further reading:
1 Corinthians 13:9-12
Mark 4:41
Philippians 3:10
John 14:9
Matthew 11:29
Psalm 40:7
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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from
About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc.
Please feel free to
call (601) 833-5278 or
Visit us on the web: www.mastersbusiness.org
You are welcomed to make copies and distribute them free of charge.
You may also forward them via e-mail or post them to your website - leaving the whole message in tact unless permission is granted to do otherwise.
Please remember to give credit to About the Master's Business Ministry

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

"The Battle For Peace"

Coffee Break

"The Battle For Peace"

"Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it." 1 Peter 3:11

I know we talked about this verse earlier in the week but as I was seeking the Lord this morning about what He wanted to say to us through the devotional, He gave me this scripture again. I would like to read it from the Amplified Bible. "Let him turn away from wickedness and shun it, and let him do right. Let him search for peace (harmony; undisturbedness from fears, agitating passions, and moral conflicts) and seek it eagerly. [Do not merely desire peaceful relations with God, with your fellowmen, and with yourself, but pursue, go after them!]"

Each day new situations are arising in the world that can easily make a person fearful. Flood waters destroying homes and property; threats of terror attacks; the end of the world prediction; wars; talk of food shortage; a bad economy; nations coming against Israel; the reports of great earthquakes; etc. The world is in chaos. There is no peace to be found in it. The leaders of governments can't give it- on the contrary, they seem to make it harder on a person to have peace. The financial institutions can't give it to us either- many of them are closing their doors. Your employer can't give you peace-there is no such thing as job security any more.

So where do you find peace in a chaotic world? Where do you find peace when everything around you looks like it is falling apart? Is it even possible to have peace when there is "no peace on earth"? Having peace is possible, but you have to go to the real source of peace. There are many false sources- we have named some of them already. But Jesus is the true source of peace. He is our peace. He is the Prince of Peace. He alone can give you the peace that you need to stand in adversity, when there seems to be no peace and when chaos and confusion reign.

I truly believe that the Lord is telling us to discipline ourselves to stay in peace. The other day we said that we have to fight to maintain the peace that God gives us. This morning I am reminding you that if you want peace you have to do more than just desire it, you have to "pursue" it. The translation of the word "ensue" here means: to seek after eagerly, earnestly endeavor to acquire it.

In order to have peace, you have to "fight for it". By this I mean you have to fight your own flesh, you have to fight fear, you have to do battle in spiritual warfare against the devil who tries to keep you from having peace. And in order to maintain your peace you also have to fight these same enemies- flesh, fear and the devil- so that they not steal your peace.

Have a great day. In order to have and maintain peace you have to do more than just desire it- you have to pursue it, seek after it, fight for it spiritually.

For further reading:
Psalm 56:3; 119:165
Philippians 4:6-8
Isaiah 9:6; 26:3

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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from
About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc.
Please feel free to
call (601) 833-5278 or
Visit us on the web: www.mastersbusiness.org

You are welcomed to make copies and distribute them free of charge.
You may also forward them via e-mail or post them to your website - leaving the whole message in tact unless permission is granted to do otherwise.
Please remember to give credit to About the Master's Business Ministry

Thursday, May 19, 2011

"And Again"

"And Again"

"And again, I will put my trust in him. And again, Behold I and the children which God hath given me." Hebrews 2:13

"And again". When we put our trust and faith in the Lord, it is not a "one time" thing. Yes, when we surrender our lives to Him there is an initial faith that we have in Him as Savior, but then we have to put our trust in Him over and over again as we follow Him as Lord of our lives. I may have trusted Him yesterday in my time of need, but again today I have to trust Him to supply all my need. I may have trusted Him in the past to see me through a devastating situation, but today if I find myself in dire need, I have to trust Him to be as faithful to me again today as He was then. Yesterday I looked to Him for wisdom and guidance, again today I must do the same thing. Yesterday when all was well in my life, I sang His praises, and again today when things in my life have fallen apart I will still sing His praise. This walk and relationship with the Lord is done daily, over and over again, continually, constantly. My faith, my trust, my hope, my confidence in Him is a repetitious things... I must repeat it over and over again, not just once.

When David faced the bear, he had to trust God to deliver him and give him the courage, strength and ability he needed to kill it. When he faced the lion, he had to trust the Lord again for the same. When he faced the giant he again had to trust the Lord. He had to trust God over and over again-- again and again, time and time again.

You may have trusted Him yesterday but you have to trust Him again today. You may have called upon Him yesterday but you have to call on Him again today. You may have seen His miracle working power yesterday but you can see it again today. He may have brought you through a storm in the past, and He can still bring you through any other storms that rage against you again today. You trusted Him then, trust Him again now. You trusted Him when things were well, trust Him again when things aren't. You trusted Him when all hope seemed lost, trust Him again in every hopeless situation. You will find that each time you put your trust in Him that He is faithful again.

Have a great day. We have to put our trust in the Lord over and over again, each and every day.

For further reading:
Lamentations 3:22,23
1 Samuel 17:37
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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from
About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc.
Please feel free to
call (601) 833-5278 or
Visit us on the web: www.mastersbusiness.org
You are welcomed to make copies and distribute them free of charge.
You may also forward them via e-mail or post them to your website - leaving the whole message in tact, unless permission is given otherwise.
Please remember to give credit to
About the Master's Business Ministry

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

"Be Content- Part 2"

Coffee Break
"Be Content- Part 2"
"Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." Hebrews 13:5
Yesterday we discussed the need to be content because we are generally discontented people. We always want more than we have. We said there are blessings attached to contentment and ruin attached to discontentment. Knowing we need to be content is one thing, but how do we achieve it? How do we reach that place of contentment? Like we said yesterday, the Apostle Paul testified that he had learned how to be content regardless of his situation. So it is possible. This morning let's discuss how we can reach the place of contentment.
Contentment doesn't come naturally. It is part of a daily process. When we look at our verse above, it seems as if the end of the verse has nothing to do with the rest of the verse and is a misplaced attachment. It seems to me that after he said, "Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have", there should be a period. What does, "for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee", have to do with contentment?
As Christians, our delight is in the Lord. He fills that empty place in our lives. He fills our longings. He is the object of our desire so in Him our desires are fulfilled. If He is the fulfillment of our desires and He said He would never leave us, then our desires are fulfilled as long as He is there-- which is always because there is never a time when He leaves us. Therefore, that leaves no room for discontentment, because what we desire is fulfilled and with us always.
Discontentment comes when we get discontent with the Lord. It comes when He is no longer the longing and desire of our heart. It comes when we stop putting Him first in our lives. It comes when we start placing "things" above Him. If He is always our first and greatest desire, then these other things that we "desire" to have will find their proper place in our lives. Some we will obtain, some we won't, some we will decided aren't really that important.
So the key to being and staying content is found in putting and keeping Him first-- the first longing and first desire of your heart. Then, like I said, everything else that we desire will fall into its proper place. "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." (Matthew 6:33)
Have a great day. Contentment is found in the Lord. Discontentment comes when we are no longer content with Him.
For further reading:
Psalm 37:4; 63:1; 84:2; 103:5; 107:9
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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from
About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc.
Please feel free to
call (601) 833-5278 or
Visit us on the web: www.mastersbusiness.org
You are welcomed to make copies and distribute them free of charge.
You may also forward them via e-mail or post them to your website - leaving the whole message in tact, unless permission is given otherwise.
Please remember to give credit to About the Master's Business Ministry

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"Be Content"

"Be Content"
"Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." Hebrews 13:5
Lately, I have been hearing the word "be content" from many different sources. (Therefore, the Lord must be trying to say something.) By nature we tend to be anything but content. We never seem to have enough or what we have isn't good enough. We are always wanting more, more, more, bigger and better. Relationships are broken because one spouse becomes discontent in the marriage. Their spouse no longer satisfies them so they go looking for someone "new"- younger, prettier, more understanding, etc.- to fulfill their discontentment. People have lost their homes from outrageous debt because they weren't content to have a home that would meet their need, they wanted a "castle" that was bigger than they could afford; or they went in debt to buy things that were unnecessary just because they wanted them or thought they would "fulfill" their lives. (Just because we want it, doesn't mean we have to have it.)
We aren't content to have just what we need, we want everything, including what we can't have. You've heard the saying, "The grass always looks greener on the other side". Maybe we should rewrite it to say, "The grass always 'seems' to be greener on the other side". Just because it looks greener doesn't mean it is a good thing. I heard one person say that it was greener because it was on top of the sewage line- it was being fertilized by the sewage.
The Apostle Paul said he had learned how to be content. We need to learn the same thing. Contentment has a high value- "Godliness with contentment is great gain". (1 Timothy 6:6) But there is ruin that comes from being discontented. It will rob you of your peace, take away your joy, lead you down a path to destruction, and so on. It also shows a lack of thankfulness to the Lord for what He has blessed you with.
Is there anything wrong with wanting something nicer or better? No, as long as contentment is still there if you can't get the "nicer/better". I said that Paul learned how to be content, let me read what he said about it (I love how it reads in the Amplified Bible)- "Not that I am implying that I was in any personal want, for I have learned how to be content (satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or disquieted) in whatever state I am. I know how to be abased and live humbly in straitened circumstances, and I know also how to enjoy plenty and live in abundance. I have learned in any and all circumstances the secret of facing every situation, whether well-fed or going hungry, having a sufficiency and enough to spare or going without and being in want. I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency]." (Philippians 4:11-13)
Have a great day. We need to learn how to be content.
For further reading:
Matthew 6:20
1 Timothy 6:8
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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from
About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc.
Please feel free to
call (601) 833-5278 or
Visit us on the web: www.mastersbusiness.org

You are welcomed to make copies and distribute them free of charge.
You may also forward them via e-mail or post them to your website - leaving the whole message in tact, unless permission is given otherwise.
Please remember to give credit to
About the Master's Business Ministry

Monday, May 16, 2011

"Fight For Peace"

"Fight For Peace"
"Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it." 1 Peter 3:11
"Fight for peace" seems like such a contradiction in terms. You would think that in order to have peace you would have to cease from fighting or have no conflicts. On the contrary, most wars that have been fought throughout the history of the world have been fought with the goal of peace in mind. Tyrants, terrorists, rebels have risen up and sought to bring death, destruction and bondage to certain people groups and nations. They do this through physical attacks. In order to stop them, and in an effort to bring and live in peace, the retaliation comes in the form of wars. Thus, wars have been fought in order to bring about and ensure peace.
Now I come to the point of my message. We have a very real enemy who is out to steal, kill and destroy us- including our peace. When he comes, we cannot sit idly by and allow it. We must "fight" in order to maintain our peace. While peace is given to us freely through Jesus- He gives us His peace- we have to battle to keep it; not because He will come and take it away, but because the enemy will try to come and take it.
Staying in peace isn't always easy, especially when bad news comes, when the cares of this life seem more than you can bear, or when others are placing demands on you. Staying in peace isn't always easy when the devil brings his accusations, when he speaks his lies to you, when he brings fear into a situation, when he tries to place confusion in your path. But we must maintain our peace. And again, we have to "fight" in order to do so- we have to engage in spiritual warfare against the enemy. We have to fight the good fight of faith. We have to use the Sword of the Spirit (God's word) against the enemy. We have to go to God in prayer. We have to stand fast and unmovable. We have to apply God's word to our daily lives. We have to pray in the Spirit.
The word ensue above means to pursue. To pursue something is not always an easy task, but if you really want it you will do it. And in order to maintain your peace, you will have to do it... you will have to fight to keep it.
Have a great day. Peace is freely given from the Lord, but it is often maintained through a "fight".
For further reading:
1 Timothy 6:12; 1:18
John 14:27; 10:10
Philippians 4:6-9
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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from
About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc.
Please feel free to
call (601) 833-5278 or
Visit us on the web: www.mastersbusiness.org
You are welcomed to make copies and distribute them free of charge.
You may also forward them via e-mail or post them to your website - leaving the whole message in tact unless permission is granted to do otherwise.
Please remember to give credit to
About the Master's Business Ministry

Friday, May 13, 2011

"Yes, He Does Love You"

Coffee Break

"Yes, He Does Love You"

"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38,39

Yesterday we talked about how satan is an accuser- he accuses the brethren, he accuses us to ourselves and he accuses God to us. We said that one of the accusations he brings against God is that "God is against us". Another one of his main accusations against God is that God doesn't love us.

Satan is always trying to convince us that God doesn't love us, especially when we make a mistake or yield to a temptation. He is there immediately with his accusations. The truth is that God does not and cannot stop loving you. He said so in His word. God loves us unconditionally. He loved us even while we were still sinners and enemies of His.

Satan will tell you that God has stopped loving you because you sinned. No, the sin did not separate you from God's love. It will break your fellowship with Him, it will hinder your relationship with Him, it will interfere with your ability to hear Him and it will put distance between you- therefore, you must confess your sin and repent of it- but it does not stop Him from loving you. When Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden, did God stop loving him? We can see from God's reaction of what Adam did that He did not stop loving him. Sin now put enmity against God and man but it did not destroy God's love for him. While confronting him about his sin, God told Adam that there would come a Redeemer to reconcile mankind back to Himself. Why? Because God still loved mankind. Man's sin "messed up" the relationship, it "messed up" the intimacy, it "messed up" the fellowship, but it didn't "mess up" God's love for us. Thus we read, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever would believe in Him would not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) He is pretty plain about the fact that He loves us- always has and always will.

Satan is your enemy and he is out to steal, kill and destroy your relationship with God. He does that through his accusations. If he can get you to believe them- especially the one that God doesn't love you- then the process of pulling you away from God has started. Let me ask you a question, "Who are you going to listen to and believe? Your enemy who is out to destroy you through his lies, or are you going to listen to the Lord who is "for you" and tells you nothing but the truth?

Have a great day. Sin will interfere with your relationship with God, but it doesn't stop Him from loving you, or else He would not give you the opportunity to confess it and get the relationship back right with Him.

For further reading:
Romans 5:8; 8:35-39
John 3:16,17
1 John 1:9
2 Corinthians 5:19

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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from
About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc.
Please feel free to
call (601) 833-5278 or
Visit us on the web: www.mastersbusiness.org

You are welcomed to make copies and distribute them free of charge.
You may also forward them via e-mail or post them to your website - leaving the whole message in tact unless given permission to make changes.
Please remember to give credit to About the Master's Business Ministry

Message about Israel Awareness Sunday

Help get the word out on Israel Awareness Day this Sunday - click "share" on this video link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2GKQLLVTd4&feature=player_detailpage
Sunday, May 15, 2011 is Israel Awareness Day -- come to Cornerstone Church in person or online at www.jhm.org 8:30am & 11:00am CST

Thursday, May 12, 2011

"God Is For Us"

Coffee Break

"God Is For Us"

"What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31

The Bible tells us that satan is an accuser. He accuses the brethren. He accuses us to ourselves. He accuses God. The accusations that he brings against God are: God doesn't care about you, He has forsaken you, or God isn't for you, He is against you. He always comes with his accusation that God is against you and not for you when something goes wrong in your life or not according to your plan. He aims to steal, kill and destroy. And he is primarily out to destroy your relationship with God.

The best way I know of to destroy a relationship is to attack it in the area of trust. If you can't trust someone, it is very hard to have a relationship with them. Many marriages have broken up because of the trust factor.

The accusations that satan brings against God started all the way back in the Garden of Eden. "And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." (Genesis 3:4,5) He accused God of withholding something "good" from them, therefore, breeding mistrust in God and lack of trust in His word.

When God "withholds" something that we perceive as "good", it could be because it isn't "good" at all. It could be that it might cause more grief, pain or sorrow in the long run. It could be that it might cause you to fall. It could be that it might, in reality, be a snare to you. But it is never because He is against you or doesn't care about you. On the contrary, it is right the opposite. God warned them about eating from the tree, not because He didn't want to bless them with good things, but because He knew it would bring "death" to them. His warning was a sign of His great love and care for them. They should have trusted that He had their best interest at heart and not listened to the accusations of the enemy.

Remember today that God has your best interest at heart too. He is for you. He isn't against you. He isn't "withholding" something from you because He is being "mean" or "untrustworthy". His very reason for doing so is because He does care about you. So stop listening to satan's accusations against God. They are all lies.

Have a great day. God is not against you... He is for you.

For further reading:
Psalm 118:6; 84:11
James 1:17

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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from
About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc.
Please feel free to
call (601) 833-5278 or
Visit us on the web: www.mastersbusiness.org

You are welcomed to make copies and distribute them free of charge.
You may also forward them via e-mail or post them to your website - leaving the whole message in tact.
Please remember to give credit to
About the Master's Business Ministry

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

New Series..End Times..and Fresh Fire at River of Life.

Mother's Day is over for this year..but the services at River of Life are not. Please join us for the Wednesday nights Bible Prophecy teachings.. by Pastor Ron..you will not be disappointed! On Sunday Pastor Mike starts the new series Fresh Fire..a study on the person and power of the Holy Spirit. You will not want to miss these great teachings. God Bless You!!
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Thursday, May 05, 2011