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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Inside Museum

While in Schagen we visited a Museum of old Frisian dress..and how they lived many years ago.
The picture is of a lady wearing the traditional frisian clothes..sewing by the table. You will see many other interesting things displayed as well.

One of the things I have always enjoyed is history. Visiting museums is like reading history books..only you get to see the pictures displayed right before your eyes.

Love, Alice

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Train Ride

My cousin Reintje from Zaandam and I , went on this train to go to Schagen. It was a very nice trip..she does not drive nor have a car..as many people do not have one. She mostly takes her bike to do her shopping. But if she wants to go to another town she will take the bus or train..which ever is the most reasonable to take at that time.

Love, Alice

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sharing my Vacation Photos

Okay you know I went to the country of my birth this past summer..it's about time I shared some pictures with you. My cousing Reintje (and I have three cousins by that name including a sister... They were all named after my grandmother on my mother's side). but the oldest Reintje who lives in Zaandam..went to a Frisian celebration in Schagen. There they had a parade of old Frisian dress..wagons horse carriages, and baby buggies..and much more. We also went to some museums there..and they had an open market day also that day.

More pictures to come later.

Love, Alice