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Sunday, May 07, 2006

Today's Thought- Good Buddy Devotional

Thought of the Day
Sunday, May 7, 2006

(Courtesy of
Our Daily Bread)
Click the link above for today's devotional.

"Good Buddy"

The Thought

The dearest friend on earthis but a mere shadowcompared to Jesus.

Author: Aalie-2006
All Rights Reserved
This may be reposted, copied and re-used – with proper attribution and this notice intact

Thursday, May 04, 2006

What About Illegal Immigrants?

What About Illegal Immigrants?

Hello Friends! Just what about these illegal immigrants that are seeking, to receive amnesty and respect here in the USA?

There was another large protest on Monday throughout the country, if you want to call it that. A day without the immigrants is what they called it. They did not work, nor went to school, and many closed up shop for the day, to seek amnesty and respect from our government and people.

I have no idea what your stand on this is, but as a legal immigrant about 56 years ago and already a citizen of this great country , by choice, for 46 years it disturbs me! I see nothing but trouble coming to this country, should these illegals be given amnesty.

There is an old saying "give them an inch and they will take a mile". This is what I see coming if something is not done about this situation. First the govenment allows the illegals to become citizens, then others who break the laws of the land will be allowed benefits as well. As a Christian a follower of Christ, we are to obey the laws of the land as long as they do not oppose the laws of God written in His Word, the Bible.

The laws of our great land were written and should be carried out to protect the people of this land who are here legally. How could we ever respect a person who comes here illegally and not through the right channels?

I understand that many Americans, who visit the country of Mexico, must come into the country legally and large fines and penalties are imposed on those who break the laws of their land. I say what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Let those countries who allow their people to come into this country illegally be fined and penalties be imposed, and then make them pay for their deportation. Then they can deal with them there in their country, I believe if this would be enforced on both sides we would see a significant reversal of illegals in this country.

Sincerely,--Posted by Solid Rocker to Standing On The Solid Rock at 5/02/2006 08:06:00