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Saturday, July 08, 2006

Only One Way!!

"Lord I give you my heart. How about you have you given the Lord your heart yet, if not please don't wait too long. The Bible says it is appointed unto man once to die and after this the judgement. Anyone that tells you that you can die and be born into another creature is telling you a lie straight from the greatest liar of all--the devil! He is the father of lies. He will tell you anything to keep you from the truth. He will tell you, you have plenty of time, or he will tell you that you are Okay and don't need to accept the Lord, that there are all kinds of ways to heaven. Not so my friend! There is only one way, that is God's way he made for you and me.
And He is the only way!
He himself said, " I am the way the truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father but by me." John 14:6

Would you like to make Jesus Lord of your life? Please say this prayer with all your heart and you will be a child of God and on your way to heaven.

“Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.”

Love, Solid Rocker

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Today's Thought- Good Buddy Devotional

Thought of the Day
Sunday, May 7, 2006

(Courtesy of
Our Daily Bread)
Click the link above for today's devotional.

"Good Buddy"

The Thought

The dearest friend on earthis but a mere shadowcompared to Jesus.

Author: Aalie-2006
All Rights Reserved
This may be reposted, copied and re-used – with proper attribution and this notice intact

Thursday, May 04, 2006

What About Illegal Immigrants?

What About Illegal Immigrants?

Hello Friends! Just what about these illegal immigrants that are seeking, to receive amnesty and respect here in the USA?

There was another large protest on Monday throughout the country, if you want to call it that. A day without the immigrants is what they called it. They did not work, nor went to school, and many closed up shop for the day, to seek amnesty and respect from our government and people.

I have no idea what your stand on this is, but as a legal immigrant about 56 years ago and already a citizen of this great country , by choice, for 46 years it disturbs me! I see nothing but trouble coming to this country, should these illegals be given amnesty.

There is an old saying "give them an inch and they will take a mile". This is what I see coming if something is not done about this situation. First the govenment allows the illegals to become citizens, then others who break the laws of the land will be allowed benefits as well. As a Christian a follower of Christ, we are to obey the laws of the land as long as they do not oppose the laws of God written in His Word, the Bible.

The laws of our great land were written and should be carried out to protect the people of this land who are here legally. How could we ever respect a person who comes here illegally and not through the right channels?

I understand that many Americans, who visit the country of Mexico, must come into the country legally and large fines and penalties are imposed on those who break the laws of their land. I say what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Let those countries who allow their people to come into this country illegally be fined and penalties be imposed, and then make them pay for their deportation. Then they can deal with them there in their country, I believe if this would be enforced on both sides we would see a significant reversal of illegals in this country.

Sincerely,--Posted by Solid Rocker to Standing On The Solid Rock at 5/02/2006 08:06:00

Wednesday, February 15, 2006



Each day we make many choices
We all chose which path we will travel in life
There is only one choice in which we can rejoice,
Jesus waits to receive us, He'll take away sin and strife.

The broad road leads to destruction
Those who walk this way are being lead astray,
The narrow road leads to eternal life,
Jesus has gone before us. He's prepared the way.

The choices we make each day
Determine our future and eternal destiny,
We must make our calling and election sure,
Jesus will lead us, if we will seek Him and pray.

Jo Ann Kelly © 2006
J. P.'s Inspirations
This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits intact,
for non-profit ministering purposes.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

You Know How It Feels

You Know How It Feels
by Alan Smith

During Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, his troops were battling in the middle of yet another small town in that endless wintry land, when he was accidentally separated from his men. A group of Russian Cossacks spotted him and began chasing him through the twisting streets. Napoleon ran for his life and ducked into a little furrier’s shop on a side alley. As Napoleon entered the shop, gasping for breath, he saw the furrier and cried piteously, “Save me, save me! Where can I hide?” The furrier said, “Quick, under this big pile of furs in the corner,” and he covered Napoleon up with many furs.

No sooner had he finished than the Russian Cossacks burst in the door shouting, “Where is he? We saw him come in.” Despite the furrier’s protests, they tore his shop apart trying to find Napoleon. They poked into the pile of furs with their swords but didn’t find him. Soon, they gave up and left.

After some time, Napoleon crept out from under the furs, unharmed, just as Napoleon’s personal guards came in the door. The furrier turned to Napoleon and said timidly, “Excuse me for asking this question of such a great man, but what was it like to be under those furs, knowing that the next moment would surely be your last?”

Napoleon drew himself up to his full height and said to the furrier indignantly, “How could you ask me, the Emperor Napoleon, such a question? Guards, take this impudent man out, blindfold him and execute him. I, myself, will personally give the command to fire!”

The guards grabbed the furrier, dragged him outside, stood him against a wall and blindfolded him. The furrier could see nothing, but he could hear the guards shuffle into line and prepare their rifles. Then he heard Napoleon clear his throat and call out, “Ready! Aim!” In that moment, a feeling he could not describe welled up within him; tears poured down his cheeks.

Suddenly the blindfold was stripped from his eyes. Although partially blinded by the sunlight he could see Napoleon’s eyes looking intently into his own — eyes that seemed to see every dusty corner of his soul.

Then Napoleon said, “Now you know.”

There are some things that simply cannot be described to you. If you haven’t experienced them for yourself, you can’t begin to know the feeling. If you’ve never sat by the bed of your father while cancer eats away at his body, you can’t begin to know what it feels like. If you’ve never had a spouse walk out the door knowing they will never return, you can’t begin to know what it feels like. If you’ve never had to bury a daughter before she was old enough to ride a bicycle, you can’t begin to know what it feels like.

The list could go on and on. Eventually, I would get to what weighs on your soul. You have friends who try to comfort you by saying, “I understand,” but deep down you know they don’t. They can’t. Not without experiencing it for themselves, and you wouldn’t wish that on them.

What that means, though, is that you are in a position to minister in a special way to people who are suffering the same thing that you have suffered in the past. God is able to use your past painful experiences to help others in a way that no one else can. If you have had to deal with an alcoholic family member, you are in a position to minister to others in that situation. If you have suffered the death of a young child, you are in a position to minister to others in that situation. If you have raised a child as a single parent, you are able to minister to others in that situation.

The list could go on and on. Eventually, I would get to what you have suffered in the past. It was painful. It was tough to get through. But having done so, be aware of the opportunities you now have to be of service to others. You know exactly how they feel. Let them know that.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)

This article by Alan Smith, pastor of the White House Church of Christ, White House, Tennessee. You can visit his site at http://www.TFTD-online.com